Would have also liked to see the Patriot network get more airtime (didn't know that group had a name BTW). Didn't they kinda resolve it though? They took down the guy at the head of the network at the end of S7. I mean in theory the rest of the network just kept going uninterrupted after that but who knows. Wonder if the 3 villains in S2 were part of that group too. One of them gets taken down at the end of S2 (Jigsaw oil company owner), one of them gets taken down in the PS2 game ("Max", and the game is canon between S2 and S3) and then the third one (Alexander Trepkos I think, can't believe I remember that) just sorta never showed up again. In any case, they took down the head honcho and Bauer's brother / father who were also part of it. Scariest antagonist the show ever had was Jigsaw in S2. Guy tries to start a war with Iran to drive up his bank account, then shoots his hot secretary because she knew too much about him.
Another thing that would have been interesting, that we never got, was the concept of Evil Jack. In S3, the bad guy is basically another agent who is equal to Jack in skill level (which is already ultra-rare) and his whole thing is that he hates the U.S. government. He tells Jack "someday you're gonna end up just like me" as he gets hauled off to prison, and that moment stuck with me. Especially considering S3 makes it a point to show how mentally messed-up Jack is getting from all the stuff he has to do. Really thought someday we'd see Jack go off the deep end and have to be stopped by Almeida and Michelle (who I figured would be the main characters eventually when Sutherland left). We got a hint of Evil Jack in S8 when he finally gets a girlfriend and she immediately gets shot. Guy dresses up like Batman and goes ape shit destroying an entire convoy of government agents to get to the guy he thinks did it.
24's one of my favorite shows, probably top 3 of all time and the one I get the most nostalgic over outta those 3. Rewatch it in full every 5-8 years or so. In 2019 I did an almost full-rewatch impromptu when I found out my mom had rewatched S1 and was hooked. So I watched S2 thru S7 with her and it was probably the last thing we really hung out and watched. We fell off during S8. I like S8's NYC setting and being in HD, but I didn't like that it had no new ideas and brought back more Russian Bullshit which was always the least-compelling thing on the show as far as antagonists go.
I don't remember much about S9 except that it was London. Was there an S10 later that brought it back or am I thinking of S9? I feel like it came back twice after S8, but I might also be factoring in the reboot with Dr. Dre that was okay but whatever.