28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


<Bronze Donator>
So, silly question. Has anyone tried to set anything up to play Warhammer (preferably fantasy?) using Tabletop Simulator. That would be amazing. I used to play like 14 years ago and it's something I miss, but I'm never going to put that much money into it again


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Universal Battle is the only place I ever got a game of it. Now that GW killed their own game, I still use it to test KOW armies, but it lacks the social aspects of wargaming that draw me to the hobby in the first place.


Riddle me this...
It is certainly dying in some areas. There is no doubt. If you read the message boards of other games there are a ton of people hating on GW. It also doesn't help that people don't understand financials and see a publicly traded company making less then last year and get all upset and blow everything out of proportion.

I assumed he was bullied in to changing it. If you can get 9 dudes on 30 minutes notice for a tournament then someone was pushing it behind the scenes. Perhaps I am wrong but I have seen it a lot.
No bullying needed to be honest. There's normally a bunch of us down on Saturdays to play various games. All of the 40k people had a KoW army with them. Owner made an off-hand remark about changing it to KoW and the 40k players agreed and called others.

I don't see 40k dying anytime soon unless Mantics Warpath game shows up and blows the doors off of it. Most of our 40k players quit playing due to the toxic attitude of other players.


Trakanon Raider
I worked at a game store for awhile, last year, and we carried WMH, so I also got into playing it. We had asked the local players which they wanted us to carry, WH40k or WMH, and the vast majority said WMH. Even the 40k players told us it made more sense for the store to get into warmachine/hordes, as many of them kept playing only because they had invested so much time/money/energy into the game. It was pretty common to hear them say that GW was just constantly screwing up left and right, and that WMH was a much more affordable game in relation.

I have read the lore of 40k and it's pretty cool, and I can certainly understand why people like playing the game, but the company making the game seems to be doing everything they can to alienate their playerbase for the last 5-10 years. In contrast, Privateer Press (Warmachine/hordes guys) are pretty universally admired among minis gamers as a company. When they changed up the entire ruleset from MarkI to MarkII, they released stat cards for each faction for like $25 that let you use all your old figures with the new game rules. Pretty reasonable, all things considered.


Riddle me this...
Ran a Kings of War tournament yesterday, went well. We had 12 players show up and luckily we had 6 tables to play on. 3 rounds, took 7 hours and thats with an hour lunch break. Top 8 players were all within 5 points of each other at the end.


El Presidente
We've been selling the shit out of infinity last month or 2. Going to have to get deeper into it myself so I can sell even more.


Golden Squire
Painted this Slaughterpriest today, I'm not a pro painter but liked how it turned out.


Age of Sigmar is really taking off at my local GW store here in Vegas. The guy that runs the store has found some pretty good ways to run balanced tournaments/campaigns and I was surprised to see how many people were showing up to the AoS stuff. The WH40k stuff is still more popular overall at the store. I don't play the game and never have, but I read all the books and will watch some of the games from time to time. I think GW is getting themselves back in the right direction.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So, Warmachine is getting a MkIII. Pre-measuring is coming into the game, which I think is a very good change. Also some good changes for Warjack focus, and huge base balancing.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, they haven't release too many details, but everything they have released sounds AWESOME to me.. when you first learn WMH, you expect warjacks/beasts to be a large portion of your army, but for most factions, if you want to be competitive, that is not the case. The MK3 rules are trying to change that by increasing the focus generated and rebalancing points of models. They said 75 will be the new 50 points, but the warjack points your warcaster has is almost doubling (so a 50% increase compared to old point values). Having a warjack start in the control area of your warcaster automatically gives it a focus, and convergence can now induct all focus a vector spend to another one, so the same 3 focus can travel through all your vectors (jacks) if they are positioned correctly. For warlocks, dead beasts still generate fury for you, so late game when all your beasts are dead, you still have some fury coming in.

Basically, all the 'quality of life' issues people have had with the game are being addressed, and it will be more about giant robots/beasts fighting other giant robots/beasts.

They are also going to redo all the models, so you have to buy a new faction deck with new stat cards for like $20, but again no one is upset with this price model. Other games would require you to rebuy most of your models whenever they'd revamp the game like this. $20 seems more then reasonable to update your entire faction.


Has anyone checked outGuild Ball? Their booth was packed at Adepticon and it's exploded in my area over the last few weeks. It feels like Warmachine mixed with Bloodbowl to me.
My starting line-up for the Brewers Guild:



Riddle me this...
Kings of War has been big in my area. No one has gotten into AoS. 40k is picking back up also, shop owner had a "chat" with the 2 toxic people that drive everyone off. Now that they are gone our last 40k tournament had 12 people.


No one here stuck with KoW and the new fantasy rules look good from what I understand. Our last 40k event had 52ish people.

Guildball is getting big here. I tried and it wasn't for me but the models are nice and the rules are pretty tight.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
My Morticians attached, im a Pundit for the game so if anyone has any questions I'd be more than happy to answer.

I am REALLY excited for Warmachine MK3 i've been playing since the game was released in Prime Mk1 and i think every iteration of the game has gotten better. Unfortunately i wont make it to Lock and Load this year since its on my wife's birthday but hopefully my ninja shoppers come through.



Trakanon Raider
I'm looking for suggestions for a new game to get into. It's probably just going to be my brother and I playing unless we can convince some friends to play as well. We're both veterans of Warhammer fantasy but we got tired of the convoluted rules and pricey models. So naturally a good rule system and reasonably priced models are a must. Good looking models would also be nice since we like to paint.

I had never heard of Infiniti of KoW before looking at this thread so I think I'm in the right place. Both look interesting with a nod towards Infiniti due to model count. Any other ideas?


My Morticians attached, im a Pundit for the game so if anyone has any questions I'd be more than happy to answer.
I used to play Warmachine right when it became Mark II, I'm thinking about getting into it again. How is the scene these days? I remember when i left it was getting bigger and bigger every day. After stopping by a few LGS's around here it seemed like Warmahordes Kind of fizzled out or stalled since I was playing. It seems like increasing costs/some weird decisions drove some people away from it? Colossals being one of those. Have you been noticing more or less people at Warmachine Weekend/Lock and Load etc etc?


I'm looking for suggestions for a new game to get into. It's probably just going to be my brother and I playing unless we can convince some friends to play as well. We're both veterans of Warhammer fantasy but we got tired of the convoluted rules and pricey models. So naturally a good rule system and reasonably priced models are a must. Good looking models would also be nice since we like to paint.

I had never heard of Infiniti of KoW before looking at this thread so I think I'm in the right place. Both look interesting with a nod towards Infiniti due to model count. Any other ideas?
What are you looking for?
Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
Theme important?
High model count or low model count?

I used to play Warmachine right when it became Mark II, I'm thinking about getting into it again. How is the scene these days? I remember when i left it was getting bigger and bigger every day. After stopping by a few LGS's around here it seemed like Warmahordes Kind of fizzled out or stalled since I was playing. It seems like increasing costs/some weird decisions drove some people away from it? Colossals being one of those. Have you been noticing more or less people at Warmachine Weekend/Lock and Load etc etc?
Warmachine is still growing on the convention scene. I don't get out to the mid-west much but all around the East Coast each convention breaks it's previous year's attendance record. So dar this year Crucible, Captaincon, Las Vegas Open and Adepticon all saw larger numbers then previous years.

Locally for me many people are taking a break on it for Guildball. All the nuthuggers who worship the WTC players (note: I'm not saying Guildball is a bad game, I'm just saying if the only reason you play a game is because you wanna suck Jaime P's dick then that's an issue
). One of the local stores gets 10+ for it's Warmachine night. Everyone is is down to 5 or less.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My Morticians attached, im a Pundit for the game so if anyone has any questions I'd be more than happy to answer.
Those look really good. Here are my crappily painted teams. I love the game. It is very easy to teach new players, while at the same time having layers and layers of depth. Once I get done painting Rage I have a full Engineers team to get started on.
