30 Rock


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
But yeah, these shows all hold up incredibly well.
I find that I now like older shows that I didn't like when I first saw them. Hawaii 5-0 for instance. I'd say TV from the 70s through the 2000's holds up really well. Come to think of it, I wonder when it all went to shit. I bet we could pinpoint a time.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
If everyone involved in this was not an insufferable liberal…
Then what? It would suck? Agreed. If only conservatives made TV and movies, we'd have nothing but Veggie Tales and Trump Prophecies to watch.

All starring Chris Pratt, produced by Mel Gibson.
  • 3Worf
Reactions: 2 users


Egg Nazi
You're telling me you wouldnt Veggie Tales and the Trump Prophecies, starring Chris Pratt, directed by Mel Gibson?

I'm not gonna lie, I'd watch the shit out of that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If everyone involved in this was not an insufferable liberal…
Try to separate the actors from the show. Otherwise you'll just be miserable. I mentioned this in some other thread, but you'd basically have to stop watching any tv or movies and stop listening to almost all music. It's infected everything. Those bands you love from the 70s through 90s? Yeah, you hate their politics.
  • 1Solidarity
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Avatar of War Slayer
Try to separate the actors from the show. Otherwise you'll just be miserable. I mentioned this in some other thread, but you'd basically have to stop watching any tv or movies and stop listening to almost all music. It's infected everything. Those bands you love from the 70s through 90s? Yeah, you hate their politics.

Yeah... well... I never was one to be a /fan/ of much... my fandom is like Castlevania, Highlander and a few other things... so me cutting out stuff because of libtard infection really does not leave me with much, but I never really was attached to much or anything to begin with. Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert, I am sure are both liberal - but they are not "in the media" spouting it, nor disparaging their fanbase in light of it, or shooting their producers.

And yes, 95% of "art" is liberal.

Jordan Peterson hit it on the head, but still at the same time missed - there needs to be a balance between the traditional L and R or, as you say, you would end up with blandness.

The problem no one admits, is that the /left/ is not in a 1:1 power weight with the /right/ - it is highly more influential and powerful - you need to have a large right leaning force to balance the small left.