Asking for a friend:
He said he had been getting laid a lot but the women downstairs have smelled like tuna/fishy. Some were heavier women he said.
He wants to know if this is normal?
I for one have been downstairs on previous girlfriends and it was good, but I can’t remember what it smelled or tasted like cause it was years ago.
Gents, what are the best and worst case scenarios for a woman’s downstairs region?
This is not a troll rather a sexual relations question.
Be please mature and courteous. No input from virgins is necessary as that would be irrelevant.
Thank you.
My cat sees me frequently. I MEOW MOTHERFUCKER. What now?!
just for the record I do not believe my shitposts. Look at my avatar.
I don't leave my house or interact with people unless I absolutely have to. I'm absolutely not open to new experiences and would prefer every day be exactly like the day before it even if the day before was totally miserable.
LOLI want aJasker quote of the day calendar so fucking bad.
Wat she lives like 20 hours from me I never asked her out I was merely making an observation!
Think I’m too autisticly retarded to get this. Over my AI head.
See poll for options:
I think you should see a pole for options....
There's no good reason for Jon to love Dany.
Why did people want a fairytale ending?
I signed up for fire and blood and we got fire and blood.
Burn this motherfucker down.
The job market for women without a college degree is pretty nonexistent. Maybe they have opportunities now when the economy is great but that won't always be the case. Men have a lot of other options. That's why colleges are like 2/3rds women now.
Fucking posers.
I pee in Gatorade bottles and store them just in case.
The porcelain Jew isn't getting my precious fluids
Season 8 is the most disappointing thing since my son... I mean since disc 4 of xenogears.
Like a good Asian son, I send my parents a ziplock bag of semen every week, just in case I kick the bucket.