Tranny Chaser
- 19,613
- 23,943
I have bend over and keep taking it.
- 1
- 1
I have bend over and keep taking it.
Lo, hearken unto Saint Lithose the Patient, patron saint of message boards and noble, yet futile, causes. Pray unto him and be healed of cognitive dissonance and the tendency to skim over good posts that you really ought to take the time to read.
Feast days are the first Tuesday after St. Crispin's Ascension and all weapons blessed by him get +3 to hit/damage vs. NPCs of Liberal Evil alignment (reflex save for half damage as they dodge his point).
Give me your address and I’ll come by once a month and fight your kids
I never said I was well off. I said I wasn't poor. There IS a difference... Leave it to an atheist to strawman an argument.Lol this is exactly what a poor person pretending to be well off would say
I do... it's just not funny to literally make up quotes the person never said.Someone doesn't understand the fun we have in this thread, Gramps. Vanessa has the same problem.
I never said I was well. I said I was poor. The atheist argument.
It's just funny to literally quotes the person.
it's just not funny to literally make up quotes the person never said.
Very abnormal, engorged & clitoral,
Reservoir tip and emerging dorsal,
Enourmous, ambiguous porpoise,
To be continued, I need a thesaurus.
clean out your old assclowns and you'll get less dick
As I said... it's funny.
those are what you usually do, Izo.
No, you need to imagine always being mentioned on here then merely responding.The fun is meta, as well. Imagine having to explain that part of the fun is you coming in here shitting it up like you always do, V.
Imagine you're at a dinner party with mixed company and telling a story about a high-brow joke you made at a cocktail party that got a lot of laughs. Mid-story, your fat cousin looses a 3-second butt biscuit and everyone bursts out laughing. Once the laughter settles and the fart dissipates, you resume your story. Again, your cousin releases a real cheesy blaster and, this time, to real visceral laughter. You get upset and frustrated, visibly so. Now the mood is a little awkward, but people can tell its bugging you so they try to stifle their smiles and show you some respect while you finish your story.No, you need to imagine always being mentioned on here then merely responding.
Also, you did the chop up quoting yet again. It's not funny... at all. But you'll just quintuple down and do it more.
I finally got to watch this. It was so good I had to crank me off. absolute bwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaap.
tell me that a foler thread ban on election day isn't funny
It's not funny.
You have to wait for it to hit critical mass.
I'm about to go nuclear on motherfuckers. If I'm gone from politics on election day maybe others should be..
I don't?
Making a list and checking it twice..
@Frenzied Wombat
@China Bat Soup
@Sanrith Descartes
@Amod you have 30 minutes before it starts.
@Kiroy I take what I said back. This is pretty funny.