Tranny Chaser
- 19,815
- 24,434
There is an untapped market for baby and toddler tv shows exclusively with how and scantily clad women.
There is an untapped market for baby and toddler tv shows exclusively with how and scantily clad women.
If it shot buttplugs and WIC cards it would be fine
@Lightning Lord Rule Hodj was literally salty enough to spend money to change my title.
Give me a few days and I'll pay off your server costs.
@Tarisk bring it in here bud, and give me a picard. This engine runs on props fellas!
Best part is at 300 soybucks a title change Ill be bouncing you between I'm with Her in pink and that shit maybe a few others for awhile
Hodj, I'm going to keep that title forever. That's amazing. I've never trolled someone hard enough to spend RL money to hate me before. You just made my night dude. In fact, I'm going to call it for the night--best to end on a high note!
Have a great thanksgiving buddy. Take care of yourself!
I had a 140 dollar a day cocaine habit for the past 3 years and you think money matters to me
So much soyboy butthurt from our latest potato del grande
Yes we know you ran away like a vampire faced with a cross
You owe llr quite a bit if youre gonna xover his server costs better get that paypal account info out
hodj spent all that money for a fancy title and doesnt know Potato in Spanish is Patata.
Soybucks: This currency is used to purchase cosmetic items and is available to be earned at the bronze donor level and above. Once you reach bronze donor level, you will start receiving a daily paycheck of Soybucks of 120. This equates to 15/hr on an 8 hr day. There are also other ways to earn Soybucks, but those ways will have to be figured out by the users.
I did. My powers of potato are relatively weak compared to Hodj. Not enough cocaine I imagine.
It's hillarious to me that Hodj went on a coke binge. loooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
This is not the worst mid life crisis i have ever witnessed.
Having a coke binge for a mid life crisis is relatively mild.
I do think it was a bit of a mid life thing, not really a crisis. Just an acceptance my age is what is, my timeline on this planet is what it is, and might as well make the most of whats left of it while I can.
I graduated with a 3.5 overall after doing three majors at the same time after 15 years out of school as a high school drop out.
My academic achievements speak for themselves and I'm quite proud of them.
My family is from an alpine rainforest region of northern Peru. I currently live in Cleveland but do not consider that as my spirit home.
the state is always a last resort for anything, and they absolutely cannot be trusted to legislate morality, and thus why we have all the problems we have as of late.
RIPhodj . Fuck, already miss you bro. This forum won't be the same without you.