5 Best Games of All Time


1) Planescape: Torment (Vorph you get props for recognizing this amazing game.)
2) Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
3) Baldur's Gate
4) Starcraft
5) Super Mario Brothers 2 (Because fucking floating Peach on top of floating rutabagas and turnips was the BEST EVER.)

Other notable games:
Diablo 2, Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter/Tekken etc, games that I spent absurd amounts of time learning combos, and specials, and fatalities, and babalities, and animalities and friendships etc, Perfect Dark, (don't fucking kid yourselves, PD was light years beyond GoldenEye), Gauntlet games (Though I was too young for the original, I played ridic amounts of the ones that were based on it, like Gauntlet Legends, awww yea.)


My list.

1: Black Crypt (Amiga). My first dungeon crawl game I ever played. I have a hard time putting this above number 2, but I have so many "holy shit" memories from this game it has to be on top. About mid way through, Medusa would be patrolling around and would fuck your shit if you weren't prepared.

2: Phantasy Star (Sega Master System). First RPG I ever played. Exploring 3 different worlds, not know what exactly to do, and just me and my Dad both playing this makes it hugely memorable. I was around 5, and he would be playing while I would help map out the dungeons for him. Even better the sequels just furthered the story, instead of doing the Final Fantasy style of "new story for each game" deal. Made the entire universe seem alive. (Using the Phantasy Star 3 intro because I like it the best)

3: Goes out to Final Fantasy 7 (PSX). I know FF6 is a great game, but this was the first real Final Fantasy game that made me love the series.

4: Golvellius.(Sega Master System). Ok, I love Zelda. In fact, I have replica Zelda swords, shields, map posters, etc. But, this one game was another one that me and my parents would all play together when I was a kid. Vibrant graphics, music changes when new armor/weapons where acquired, and two different type of boss dungeon styles always kept this game up beat. Plus, the difficultly level in my opinion was a lot higher than 8-bit Zelda.

5: Super Mario 64. (N64). Everyone knows this game is great. I shouldn't have to say much. Countless hours.

X-Com -The demo I got of this game, just one mission but I played the fuck out of it. I played it myself and played it with friends, we even installed it at school and played it during class. I had more fun playing the demo than the full game but still spent waaaay too much time on it, even going so far to write out lists of soldiers to keep track of them.

Lunar: The Silver Star Story -This is the only RPG from that generation that I ever got into, not Final Fantasy, not Chrono Trigger, twenty years later I'm still saying "Lunar Lunar Lunar". I even tried to get into a Lunar themed PBeM (which never went anywhere).

Baldurs Gate -I just loved this game, and loved it so much that I's the only game I've ever gotten super-excited for the sequel, which is also the only game I ever bought a collectors edition of.

Final Fantasy X -This is kinda a throwaway, but FFX actually turned out to be my favorite final fantasy game, one of my favorite games of all time, and I purchased a PS2 just to play it. Which worked out because its a great system I bought a ton of great games for. I bought a GameCube just to play Metroid Prime and guess how many GameCube games I own now? Metroid Prime.

EverQuest -So like when I bought this game I was at the flea market, and the guy just had a small table piled high with computer game boxes. My friend asked him where he got them all from and he just smiled and said "Wholesale!". It was only twenty bucks. I just want to say: thank you black guy selling stolen video games for ruining my life.


My particular favorites:

(1) Planescape Torment
(2) Super Mario 3
(3) Castlevania: SoTN
(4) Vampire: the Masquerade (huge flaws but I could play first 2/3 of that game over and over)
(5) Street Fighter 2


Molten Core Raider
Tough to name only 5:

1. Super Metroid: Perfect platformer in my opinion. Story is told through exploration and game play rather than being shoved in you face.
2. Legend of Zelda a Link to The Past: Best Zelda
3. Final Fantasy 6: Best villain in the series and probably one of the few villains who actually do destroy the world.
4. Mario 64: Revolutionary for it's time. Good camera controls mixed with a great 3D platformer. Heck most modern 3D platformers still suck in comparison.
5. Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen: Played and still play this game so many times. Good story, multiple endings and the ability to make all different types of parties.


Avatar of War Slayer
Final Fantasy X -This is kinda a throwaway, but FFX actually turned out to be my favorite final fantasy game, one of my favorite games of all time, and I purchased a PS2 just to play it. Which worked out because its a great system I bought a ton of great games for. I bought a GameCube just to play Metroid Prime and guess how many GameCube games I own now? Metroid Prime.
are you saying you didnt play eternal darkness?
(honorable mention for Windwaker and F-zero GX)


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
In terms of influence on me as a gamer, not necessarily in terms of being any good as games:

1) Adventure
2) Dragon's Lair
3) Wing Commander 2
4) Asheron's Call
5) Tie Fighter


In no particular order:

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Final Fantasy 3 (6?)
3. Half Life 1/2
4. DAOC (so many awesome RvR memories)
5. Diablo 2 (I wish there was a /played for that game...actually, it's probably good there wasn't one)


Golden Knight of the Realm
No particular order.
Dragon force
Devil May Cry 4
Tale of Vesperia

Time investment would have to include EQ and FFXI....


EverQuest - It's world will forever be in my mind.

Counter-Strike - I took 'Dust All Day' a little too literally, and loved every minute of it.

Unreal Tournament and UT2K4 - Facing Worlds is probably my favorite map of all time. Also both games had great 1v1 maps which you don't really see much of these days.

SuperSmasBros.Melee - My best buddy and I poured countless time into this game. So many fun unlocks and trophies. And quotes as well, 'Brrrreak the targets!'

Diablo 1/2 - The first was one of my very early pc games. Multiplayer over the Internet was still a very new idea to me. Such a dark world, with the calming sanctuary and soothing melody of Tristram.

Honorable mention for many modern games, ME3, PS2, BF3.. Also Quake 1/2 were just insane. Mindlessly killing mutant aliens as a badass space marine grunt is all the story I need. Nail Guns, NIN soundtrack, BFG10K.. Aww yeah.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't think I could ever just list 5 so going to keep it as short as I can.

1. Everquest 2/Everquest I really loved both, Everquest was the first game I spent years upon years with. So many new experiences it was just brilliant. Everquest 2 however I enjoyed the pvp aspect on Nagafen a lot but more than that I met gamers that I still play every new MMO with to this day. I will game with this group of guys/gals until the day I stop playing MMO's.

2. Might and Magic 3-8, I really liked all of these. I probably would have liked 1 and 2 just never played them back in the day for some reason. These games solidified my love of party based RPG's.

3. Wing Commander all of them but Privateer shines a little more brightly than the rest. I was so dedicated to this game that I would actually write notes while in High School about what I was going to do later( I did this with Wizardry, Might and Magic and X-Com as well). What a wonderful game to be so open and for its time, just wow.

4. Wizardry all of them but I liked 8 the most. I know most say 7 or 6 is the best but for some reason I liked 8 as Sirtech's last gasp. I knew they did not finish the game but what was finished I loved so much. I start up a new game of this every couple of months. I use a party randomizer to pick how many characters I make 1-8 and what race/class combo's I use. I still find it a ton of fun to play. I have played all the mods as well.

5. Hammer of the Gods was a great TBS from New Age Computing right before HoMM and just after King's Bounty. You did quests for Nordic gods and got their favor in the form of heroes to fight for you or a ton of other types of bonuses. I actually just downloaded this game again about 2 weeks ago and still enjoying the hell out of it.

6. Heroes of Might and Magic 1-4, why oh why can't they just revisit HoMM 3 and make a real sequel? HoMM 5 and 6 were just abominations compared to the others. I miss this series so much and still buy every new HoMM released only to be dissapointed over and over.

7. System Shock 2, whoever said this game was not as good as we thought I totally disagree. This was some creepy ass cool shit. I play this game to this day and often.

8. Call of Duty 1-3, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Pacific Assault all but the most recent one. I so enjoyed the single player campaigns of these games. I wish they did not just CoD into a multiplayer treadmill with limited single player action. I still play the newest ones in these series but don't enjoy them as much as I used too.

9. Bard's Tale 2. I liked all of the Bard's Tale games but 2 was my favorite. I am not sure why but I just played more of 2 than any other BT.

10. X-Com. I doubt I need to explain this.

11. Wasteland. The skill point and skill leveling system were so far ahead of their time. This and Dragon Wars were two of my earliest RPG's that I always go back too. I cannot wait for the new Wasteland game!!

12. Final Fantasy Tactics. I spent so much time in this game. I love the summoners. I loved getting the mime class going. I just loved this game all around.

Honorable mentions to LittleBigPlanet(so much creativity allowed with these games), Resident Evil, Deus Ex (original one), Twisted Metal 2 and Black, Super Mario Brothers(i was different than most people I played these a few times after I beat them but after that meh done), Goldeneye 64, Zen Pinball, MLB series, Madden Football 94-2002, NHL 95(sergei federov and steve yzerman had like 8 goals each game apiece), SSI Gold Box DND games, Jagged Alliance, Darklands(great old dos RPG), Knights of Legend(great old rpg with a crazy combat system and a race you could pick for party members that could fly), Police Quest 1 and 2, Dark Sun 1 and 2(used to play these in my huge lecture hall classes at University of Maryland), AutoDuel, Roadwar 2000, Lands of Lore series....sorry I could just keep going on and on I made this into all my old favorite games =(. My bad.

P.S. Keef the Thief, you had to disarm traps and whatnot and had active combat well as active as it could be in 1989.


Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (microsoft zone anyone?)
World of Warcraft
CS 1.6

I'm sure league of legends belongs somewhere in my list.


Molten Core Raider
1. Ultima 7
2. Everquest
3. Castlevania II - Simon's Quest
4. Wing Commander: Privateer 1 & 2
5. Coach K College Basketball(Genesis, still the best college b-ball game ever made)


Silver Squire
No particular order:
1. Air Warrior 3
2. EverQuest
3. Counter-Strike (still play 1.6)
4. Goldeneye
5. Mario Kart


1. Eye of the beholder, anyone who played it w/o the cheatbook sooner or later realized that you had to make your own damn maps the further down the maze you went, was stuck in a section of the game for like 2-3 weeks or so until a friend of mine told me that to explore the walls as one of them was a solid illusion...I think that I fucking cried when I discovered the hidden wall..

2.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descent_(video_game)this one was the 1st game I played against others (Lan).

3. Planescape Torment (I have the original discs at home still and they work) Baldurs gate series was cool and all, but Planescape Torment was and is still is, in an entire higher league and if you havent tried it, you have missed "a must play in this life" imo.

4. haters gonna hate, but I have always loved the warhammer world, now I played laghammeronline for an extensive period of time but the first 2 offline games, Shadows of the horned rat and then later Dark Omen was 2 really good games.

5. EQ prior "Shadows of Luclin"

Tbh though I am not sure that the above is my top 5 list, there are so many good games really, the Fallout series for example, Jagged alliance which is mentioned above is great too + a shitload of others.

