7 Days to Die


Avatar of War Slayer
Same here.

I have tried survival by only use one base per 7 days and build a new one for the next just to keep it exciting, but I ended up getting bored before I got too far.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ditto. I made an ultra base (skyscrapper in a pit that went to bedrock, then extended upwards. Had walls, spikes, etc. Was fun to build and maybe show off to people on the server. Then a patch wiped out my work and I had no motivation to rebuild lol


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well I'm enjoying it for now. Still using a watch tower to defend on horde nights but I've torn down the last remnants of my starter house in favor of a concrete bunker with two above ground levels and a small farm on the roof, and I've started wiring it up for lighting. Not quite ready to try defending it on horde nights since failing would be game over unless I cheese it by moving my bedroll to the watch tower first, but I think it's probably good enough.

Holy shit the auger, chainsaw, and especially the minibike are completely insane. Managed to scavenge a high quality engine for the minibike and it absolutely zips along, it's an absolute game changer in terms of being able to easily get back to your base on distant scavenging trips instead of having to hole up somewhere for the night, and it's nice to have the extra storage space for stuff like hot/cold weather clothing. The gas-powered tools are crazy, I dug a desert mine and after sending the initial shaft deep enough I went sideways with the auger and ended up with almost two full stacks of oil shale, so now I basically have infinite gas. What's particularly amazing about the chainsaw is not needing stamina on top of being so fast, so I can sprint from tree to tree and never have to stop. Went from periodically having to go out and replenish my wood to having 3 full stacks banked.

Still a fair number of schematics I'm missing, I assume since I've mostly kept the indoor scavenging to a minimum so far, so that will probably be the next step for me. Kinda got my eye on the police station in the plains, although I've read that zombie cops are super dangerous. I may do a mine in the wasteland first to dig for a nitrate vein and the same in either the burnt or snowy forest for coal, so I have a good reserve of gunpowder. My only grievous loss so far was my first death when I killed myself with TNT popping open the bank vault in Perishton. Didn't quite understand how how you set off TNT because I was misreading the description, so it took my second experimental death back near my base before it dawned on me that damaging it doesn't light the fuse, it sets it off. All the debris from the explosion destroyed my backpack and while I was able to quickly rebuild all the tools I lost, I still haven't seen another set of NVGs at a trader and those things were amazing.

World really is fucking huge when you're just dicking around in single player.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Guess I'll just blog!

Holy shit fucking ass damn did the blood moon hordes (and to a lesser extent screamer hordes) ever massively spike in difficulty. Night 28 wasn't anything special, but night 35 was mind blowing. Playing with 90 minute days blood moon hordes have typically tailed off around midnight, so around 2 hours of incoming zombies. The night 35 horde lasted twice as long and was packed with far more dangerous zombies compared to what I've seen previously. Lots of zombie bikers and football players, about 5-6 cops, and maybe 5-6 irradiated spiders. I'm glad I replaced the flagstone of my watchtower with reinforced concrete because I think it would have been fucked up pretty bad if I hadn't. Think I'm rapidly approaching the point where I need something more sophisticated than a tower surrounded by spike trap patterns and I don't have nearly enough shotgun parts for reinforcing my tower with shotgun turrets so I've started construction on a drop trap combo that should be able to handle everything with minimal repairs and setting it up as the only entrance to my base. On the off chance that it fails I've been working on an escape tunnel that will lead me all the way from the farm outskirts to the cell tower a ways to the northwest, and probably place a second minibike there so I can just kite zombies until daytime.

Trying to figure out what my resource crunches are going to be long term. Obviously brass since you can't mine it but I'm not using bullets much yet, still mostly relying on the crossbow. Lotsa stuff needs glue but I've just taken to harvesting zombies for bones to make sure I don't run low. Biggest problem is actually seeming like it will be oil depending on how fast I go through repair kits, since oil consumes empty tin cans. There's probably enough randomly looted cans of food from zombies to sustain that though. So glue for making duct tape and paper will probably be what I go through the most of.

About halfway done looting Diersfield, not really sure what will be my next major looting project after that. Probably roam around the map looting individual POIs before I move on to another city since all the other cities will be a much more time intensive project due to larger buildings and distance from my base. Watched bits and pieces of videos of people exploring Nishong tower and that looks like it would take close to a week to clear out solo unless you kept clearing it out overnight. Thinking about setting the day length back to 60 minutes, feels like 90 minute days give me a little too much time to work and the longer nights are boring as fuck unless I spend the night going crazy with the auger. I also had airdrops set to daily when I first started, but I quickly scaled that back to 3 days, and then to 7 days to try and even out how much extra free shit I got at first.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Did they finally make these changes to PS4? I want radiated spiders, electricity and super crazy horde nights!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Did they finally make these changes to PS4? I want radiated spiders, electricity and super crazy horde nights!

Hell if I know, I'm on PC. I'm hesitant as it is when it comes to early access titles, especially when a game has been in 'alpha' for 5 years, I'd never pick up an EA game without the benefit of an online sale. Personally I think rolling it out to consoles before it was gold was a huge mistake. I'm guessing the reason updates slowed down so much isn't because they got lazy, but because there are so many more hoops to jump through on a console submission. On PC you just send the patch to Steam, for a console update you have to submit it to Sony/Microsoft for testing before they let it go live and it isn't cheap.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
So the drop trap works extremely well but holy shit did I ever have a close call. Thought I'd be clever and dig a trench around my base so the only way to approach it was through the drop trap, forgot that the whole reason drop traps work is because zombies will march straight into pits. Fortunately this went down on Night 41 so it wasn't a blood moon horde, and half the zombies tunneled away from my base instead of towards my walls. If I'd made that mistake on Night 42 my base probably would have been undermined and I'd have had to bolt for my escape tunnel and blow it, assuming they didn't surprise me from behind and stunlock me. Covered the moat back up with basic wooden blocks for the time being, and capped the entrance to the tunnel the zombies dug with a concrete plug with ramps on all 4 sides of the single exposed block so they're less likely to bump into it and start attacking it.

Weathered Night 42 quite well all things considered, the drop trap got the bulk of the work done but the attack did expose a spot or two that I'll be covering with shotgun turrets going forward. A single biker made it more than halfway through a triple thick side wall of the entrance area and I think it would have been a pretty serious problem if he'd made it all the way through, but I have an ideal spot to place a shotgun turret to cover it. Pretty thrilled that I don't have to dick around with running over to my watch tower anymore, now I'm building a crafting area a ways east of my base down on the bedrock and doing any bulk crafting there to lower the heat signature on my base so I don't get as many screamers during the day.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's a problem where wiring can get messed up when a chunk loads in which has caused problems with my drop trap but hopefully I've figured out how to quickly fix it. Only problem is that I don't have any way to reliably test it except on horde nights and if it still doesn't work on a horde night I've got a serious problem on my hands.

Anyway, TFW you find out a full stack of wet concrete blocks sells for 36k dukes at max barter. 0.o


> Than U
Been holding off playing this again since A17 is coming along pretty well. I'd guess in the next month or so and A17 will change the game greatly.


> Than U
Developer Diary: Alpha 17
We are just a few weeks from A17 and I know I am not the only one that installs and grabs this by the pussy every 4-6 months when a alpha patch comes out for a week or two.
So listen up buttercups, put it back on your radar. SOON™


Molten Core Raider
Good game to play with bros from time to time until we exhaust all the content. Might try out the Ravenhearst mod if A17 ends up getting delayed at all though as I've seen some streamers play it and it looks to give a nice boost in difficulty for experienced players.


Mr. Poopybutthole
fukin lol Oldbased Oldbased talking about A17 being out in a couple weeks back in June. Anyway, here are the preliminary patch notes for Alpha 17.

A17 Early Streaming Release Notes | 7 Days to Die

Of particular note to me are
  • New jumping across gaps and up onto ledges (Spiders have a long jump)
  • New destroy area mode, when players can’t be reached
  • New group damage bonus, when AI are close together

oh way more important, Navezgane is massively larger now. 16 square km to 36 square km.
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> Than U
fukin lol Oldbased Oldbased talking about A17 being out in a couple weeks back in June. Anyway, here are the preliminary patch notes for Alpha 17.

A17 Early Streaming Release Notes | 7 Days to Die

Of particular note to me are
  • New jumping across gaps and up onto ledges (Spiders have a long jump)
  • New destroy area mode, when players can’t be reached
  • New group damage bonus, when AI are close together

oh way more important, Navezgane is massively larger now. 16 square km to 36 square km.
Hey, I can't help their main company got canned and even though they said it didn't have to do with them , are now 7.2 years behind.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I find that putting block durability on 25% and zombies on hard, makes the game a lot more fun and challenging. Otherwise you get to the point where your base is indestructible and boring.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was watching a stream this weekend of a guy who said he normally play perma-death and with A17 on default he was struggling.

So I guess it depends on how far the difficulty has swung with the update.

I will say the game looks a lot better.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Picked this up on Steam sale and I've been playing the shit out of it for the last few days. Nice combination of survival and exploration, with the added threat of one night of super aggressive zombies ever week. Always something to explore or build it seems.

A19 just came out. Update notes:



Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't played since Alpha 16. They've been practically turning it into a whole new game with every new alpha build.

I've never forgiven them for the dumb "zombies get a huge damage bonus to blocks if they can't reach you" change in A17
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Mr. Poopybutthole
That got toned down big time. But they really fucked with the AI. Apparently the devs really disliked base building and so now horde nights are just shit shows of always trying to exploit the AI because the devs keep making hordes super intelligent.

A19 looks really good graphics wise though. Apparently my last post in this thread was maybe A17 when I guess they also did a graphics update.