Why do you keep calling the protocols a forgery? Was atlas shrugged a forgery?
I never read them but I'm curious how they managed to convince you they were a forgery instead of just a story.
Atlas Shrugged isn't purporting itself to be real, for one thing. It's a novel and it knows it's a novel. The author isn't anonymous and she allowed herself to be interviewed many times.
The Protocols purport themselves to be the real minutes of a real meeting, written in secret, with nobody ever claiming authorship or to defend them.
Also, there is no evidence to suggest that huge parts of Atlas were lifted directly from Machiavelli.
Also remember that these came out in 1903 which was during the embryonic stage of Political Marxism. Marxists need an oppressor class. They could have selected from among many different types. There were several people in Russia and Germany who wanted that Oppressor class to be.... the Jews.
This 'Jewish' take on oppression did eventually reach Stalin just before his death, but for the most part the Commies rejected the Jews as the Oppressor Class and instead opted to go with the Capitalists and Kulaks. The Nazis, on the other hand, went all in with the Jews as the Oppressors from the start. The Protocols were born in Russia, but they found their home in Germany.
Other stuff such as the complete lack of evidence of any actual Jews actually teaching this stuff to each other. Like I've said before, I can show you a video of Muslim children being taught how to behead Israeli teddy-bears in a madrassa. If that is possible, then would someone please show me a video of Jews teaching kids how to destroy the world?
Now, Himeo does make a point. Even if the Protocols are AgitProp, they certainly do spell out a dastardly plan. I don't deny that. I merely deny that they were written by Jews. To me they appear most obviously to have been written by someone who wanted to
slander the Jews.
Think of it. What if I wrote a pamphlet called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Christ" and attributed to them all of the twisted shit that I am about to do? Would you swallow that document wholesale or would you be skeptical of it?
You should read 'Demons' by Dostoyevsky. Judaism is not an essential element to any of this stuff. In fact, an essential Atheism is what the writers and Followers of the Protocols failed to see coming. They thought anything that was anti-Christian was automatically Jewish in nature. They didn't see Lenin or Stalin coming the way Fyodor did.