A Cure for Wellness (2017)


<Silver Donator>
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: A Cure for Wellness

Genre: Thriller, Horror, Drama, Mystery

Director: Gore Verbinski

Cast: Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaacs, Mia Goth, Adrian Schiller, Celia Imrie, Harry Groener, Tomas Norström, Jeff Burrell, Ivo Nandi, Magnus Krepper, Michael Mendl, Craig Wroe, David Bishins, Lisa Banes, Carl Lumbly, Jason Babinsky, Johannes Krisch, Maggie Steed, Ashok Mandanna, Eric Todd, Rebecca Street, Bert Tischendorf, Douglas Hamilton, Leonard Kunz, Daniel Michel, Tom Flynn, Sophie Charlotte Conrad, Natascha Lawiszus, Luzie Scheuritzel, Manon Kahle, Adrian Zwicker, Peter Benedict, Julia Graefner, Nino Böhlau, Annette Lober, Susanne Wuest, Godehard Giese, Nadine Boeske, Judith Hoersch, Angelina Häntsch, Axel Buchholz, David Bredin, Matthias Britschgi, Andreas Dobberkau, Sarah Franke, Caspar Kaeser, Sebastian Kaufmane, Martin Laue, Benedict Seifert, Roman Schomburg, Florian Steffens, Sven Timmreck, Hanna Wollschlaeger, Jef Bayonne, Klaus Burckhardt, Helmut Boelling, Renate Prack, Matthias Rick, Peter Simlinger, Jutta Marina Von Brunkau, Johnny Otto, Natalia Bobrich, Alexander Yassin, Chris Theisinger, David Sánchez Calvo, Earl Vincent Sherwood II, Chris Huszar, Marko Buzin, Matt Lindquist

Release: 2017-02-15

Plot: Tells the story of an employee (DeHaan) who is sent to rescue his boss from a European “wellness spa” but soon realizes he's trapped, and discovers that the facility has a more sinister purpose than just serving the health needs of its patients.



A lot of Shutter Island with a bit of The Grand Budapest Hotel / Youth? Why not. I am a fan of Verbinski anyway.

Also: set in Switzerland (the birth place of LSD!).
The film’s story is a combination of Bioshock, Shutter Island, and the Stephen King novel Misery. Somehow that sounds conceptually interesting but it lacks enough story to maintain your interest. What made things like Misery and Shutter Island relatively interesting were it’s genuine build up and suspense for the mystery that is going on around the atmosphere in the situation those characters are in. With A Cure For Wellness, you can easily predict the plotting and the answer to the mystery by the 30-minute mark.

A Cure For Wellness Review

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I went with a friend to see this over the weekend and ended up leaving disappointed, not really what i was expecting. if you want a psychological thriller i recommend Shutter Island over this.

5/10 - too predictable

This movie wasn't what i was expecting, i wanted to see some kind of psychological experiments not a pseudo fountain of youth story. the Dr being the Baron was obvious after about 10 minutes of his screen time. the experiments and weirdness of the spa was the best part, but the overall feel of the movie was "off" and then the end being super rapey was a bit awkward with the tone of the rest of the movie.

overall its a fine movie to watch on netflix but i was feeling a bit bored in a 2 1/2 hour movie in theaters that ended on a whimper.


<Silver Donator>
Saw this yesterday, and while it's a great looking film, the final act is pretty lackluster. Still an enjoyable movie, but I suggest waiting for VOD.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i haven't seen Rings so i can't make the call, but i will say the third act of this movie gets a little uncomfortable. if you want more jump scares etc Rings is probably better.


<Silver Donator>
So, is this a good date movie or should I go see Rings instead?

Depends on who you're bringing, but it wouldn't necessarily be a bad date movie. The whole thing ends up going into the realm of being a gothic horror film more then anything. It has a few cringe inducing moments for scares, but I'd be more worried about the run time. I still think it would be a better viewing experience from the comfort of your own home, where you can at least pause and freshen your drink.


Maybe it's because I read in many places that it's slow and too long, but it did not bother me. I feel this movie manages to do something pretty difficult: turn this kind of story into something else than one of the following three crappy scenario 1) It was all a dream! Hahaha that's why it made no sense! 2) Scoobie-Doo (cheap rationalization that explains nothing) 3) Look how very clever I am (not) aka rationalization that makes even less sense than the strange things that came before it (see: Shutter Island). That being said, this type of story is so codified that there is a fine line between respecting the code and doing a spoof (stern looking gardener, shadowy figures at windows, hooded cultists, creepy locals...) and the story dances on that line a bit clumsily at times.

Verbinski's direction takes center stage from start to finish, but while it has definitely its moments it's a bit much and the film does not offer him the type of complex chase scenes in which his virtuosity shines. In the end, my main gripe is that the evolution of the main character makes very little sense... I guess we are supposed to accept it as is because his trajectory is also classic to the point of cliché.
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database