PS- if the creatures in the movie are supposed to be extraterrestrial, I have to say that hearing the least useful sense for extraterrestrial travel! Let's go to earth-- it's loud! Oh wait, you can't propagate sound through a vacuum...
Any alien invasion movie that does not have us being enslaved via chemicals or melted from orbit requires heavy suspension of disbelief. So do most monster movies. /shrug
The creature was like a mix between a clicker from LoU and a linker from RE.Saw this last week. Was pretty bored, to be honest. the ending was pretty silly and completely off tone to the rest of the movie. Didn't really like the creature design. It was just okay. points for some originality. 6/10
This movie was horrible for up to and probably more than a thousand reasons. If you want to be almost completely bored while watching 90 minutes of people trying to be quiet, this movie is for you. Thinking about how implausible or just plain dumb every scene in this movie is will be what staves off total and complete boredom. I'm honestly baffled by the reviews this is getting.
Just saw this pile of shit and feel the same way. I want the 2.5 hours back that it took me to drive back and forth to the theater and watch this inbetween. I agree that its a well made movie but everything about it is so implausible I just couldn't buy in. When there really are a thousand+ reasons why the premise makes no sense and you go through them in your head from the start, who cares how good the sound is or the monsters look? The gf felt the same way, I considered walking out.
Enjoyed the movie, I heard it was almost part of the cloverfield universe, same costume designer or some such.