Aarklash Legacy


Trakanon Raider
I've read its about 10 - 12 hours which makes sense since im at about 8 hours and I'm just starting Act 3.


A nice asshole.
Game suffers from inverse difficulty, since getting enough levels to fill 3+ skill trees I haven't been all that challenged, hoping that will change. That or I just got way better as in not having to pause as much etc.

Massive burst DPS seems to be key but still have to play it smart. Also getting the giant lots of HP and any skill that allows him to Regan HP like upgraded taunt makes him almost unkillable. He currently out regens any white damage done to him. Really hope this game has a NG+ feature or eventually a tower/dungeon mode that gets progressively harder.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Joeboo, the main thing that helped me for Major Light Elemental was positioning. Those sparks heal him when he gets down to a certain point in health and up to full. If your DPS is too low, which mine was this turned into an long fight where I finally died and he had full health. If you read the descriptions of the both the boss and his adds you will see why positioning might help. The sparks shoot out a green heal blob towards the boss but as it says in the description they heal whatever they hit first. They basically healed my guys up to full, the boss got less healing as I stole half or more of his spark healing and when the boss hits a lower HP level he takes all life from the sparks for himself. This then kills the sparks and the boss goes down like a sack of potatoes. Reading all descriptions of the monsters has helped me kill all bosses after this one. I know what buff to look for so that my healer steals it for himself, transfers to another of my characters or for my rogue type to remove. If you want more hints let me know, I don't want to give away to much in one post. This game is very fun to play and interesting to figure out strats for bosses etc. Thanks to the OP, I would have never noticed this game on Steam.


Love the talent tree reset on the fly. Takes away the need to painfully plan and I can just toss points in what I think I need right there and then.

Nice game so far.


Just found Leck Lorus and doing the level after him (first undead level I think). I m getting raped all over. I'm on Hard (!) and had to redo some fights before, mostly when new units are introduced. I am trying to kill the group that has the first boss/elite that can taunt&charge. Between the casters, archers, slow skelly knights and the boss I just do not get how I can kill shit fast enough compared to how much I heal.

Leck Lorus is also 2 levels below everybody else which kinda sucks as a mechanic.


If I remember the composition of the encounter, on Rag'narok, I burnt down the skeleton priest followed by the mage. I had the kangaroo use Nella for mana and Nella was spec'd with the heal that heals herself as well for never-ending/low risk kangaroo mana. I had positioned Nella by the enemy casters/ranged for knockdown shenanigans. The kangaroo had the healing glaive that passed through targets while not healing enemies. Fantastic when everyone is in a line. Leck I just attempted to keep alive while gathering and clustering mobs to abuse his detonate on death ability. The tank just soaked up damage and taunted if/when mobs switched targets.

Later charging/taunt knights have some +attack speed +damage self-buff later, but I don't remember it being a factor on the first introduction.

Just realized you said boss, which makes this entire post irrelevant


A nice asshole.
Dwarf cannon appears to be highest DPS strap bomb onto tank 1500 DMG, 1500 DMG cannon blast, then run up and melee for 600. Nella has best AoE with support, the heal that removes debuffs has saved the day many of times. Tanks have an interesting balance, while the giant has great passive regen and huge HP pool, the dinosaur chic can self heal while increasing damage. Orc and goblin are the only two that I haven't used much, while they have amazing utility their lack of DPS really hurts.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Just found Leck Lorus and doing the level after him (first undead level I think). I m getting raped all over. I'm on Hard (!) and had to redo some fights before, mostly when new units are introduced. I am trying to kill the group that has the first boss/elite that can taunt&charge. Between the casters, archers, slow skelly knights and the boss I just do not get how I can kill shit fast enough compared to how much I heal.

Leck Lorus is also 2 levels below everybody else which kinda sucks as a mechanic.
I must be horrible at this game, I had similar problems except I was playing on medium. For this fight, what worked for me, was burning down the obnoxious taunt / charge guy that way I didn't have to position around is anti-magic aura or what not. Once he was down the rest of the fight went relatively well.

When I was playing on hard, I just felt like I was hitting a brick wall. My tank would just fall over dead and I couldn't out heal what was happening even with the double armor boost. May have to review skills as I was trying to make my healer use the heal that sits on a mob for 20s and the explodes and mix in the direct heal when required.


This game is fantastic so far. It's really just exactly the kind of thing I enjoy.

I'm not going to lie though, I haven't gotten far yet and still some of the boss fights are kicking my ass. I may break down and read some of the codex at this rate.

EDIT: Ok, after a half dozen hours of play, I'm still loving it. The mechanics are interesting (not perfect but interesting) and the whole feel is just great. Sadly, it still is making me jones for a FFT-style pure turn-based game with a few hundred hours of this sort of thing but still, damned fun and worth way more than $20 in my opinion. My only critique would be the buff/debuff/control schema could be less of a pain in the ass. I understand why they have made it less accessible though, I just don't agree with the design decision.


I've heard comparisons to ToEE bandied around, and I just happen to have $19 in my steam wallet, very tempted to pick this up, even though I kind of hate everything cyanide studios makes


You gotta understand that this game is almost 100% about combat. It's a plan&pause kinda dynamic. ToEE was not the deepest RPG story I've ever seen but Aarklash seems pretty shallow. It's not very much an RPG. There is no NPCs to talk to, no dialog, no choices to make. You move on from level to level following a story and killing lots of varied monsters.

The comparison to ToEE is appropriate but I believe it was made with the combat style in mind, not the whole game.


Troll has set me on some cool unknown titles so far, especially in the roguelike thread. Will look into this later today.


Molten Core Raider
Goddamn I wish there was a confirmation before hitting F9 would reload a saved game. I use F5 and F9 so damn often, I've accidentally hit F9 a few times when I meant to save, and had to re-do some fights again. Blech.


A nice asshole.
Just beat the game, sadly the last boss was a joke and no NG+ or dungeon mode etc, look forward to expansions/sequels.


Yeah, the game seems like it will be a little small for this sort of thing. A NG+ mode (instead of just restarting at a higher difficulty) would be nice or just a infinite dungeon or whatever for the hell of it. It would be fun to get to gamebreaking combo levels.

It almost feels like a proof-of-concept but it still plenty fun. Hopefully it sells well and some other studios start thinking about the genre again.