Life begins at conception for me. I'm fine with life of the mother, incest or rape. Those are pretty easy.
Otherwise both sides blow my mind. One not wanting to push prevention to the max by pushing birth control. Straight up stupid.
People sucking their kids out as a form of birth control because they didn't use protection. Sad, stupid and indicative of our me me me society. Birth control is cheap and plentiful no reason abortions should be as common as they are. Sad thing is many that go in for one go in for more.
I also find it odd people would fight to save a murderer from capital punishment (I'm against this in its current form) yet throw away a child's life. The economically beneficial arguments don't hold water with me at all as that argument could be made for tons of heinous acts. I doubt anyone knows what the extermination of tens of millions of people has done over the long run or if the one Martin Luther or Einstein we lost as a result wouldn't have been worth the rest living. Always fight for life IMO.
Otherwise both sides blow my mind. One not wanting to push prevention to the max by pushing birth control. Straight up stupid.
People sucking their kids out as a form of birth control because they didn't use protection. Sad, stupid and indicative of our me me me society. Birth control is cheap and plentiful no reason abortions should be as common as they are. Sad thing is many that go in for one go in for more.
I also find it odd people would fight to save a murderer from capital punishment (I'm against this in its current form) yet throw away a child's life. The economically beneficial arguments don't hold water with me at all as that argument could be made for tons of heinous acts. I doubt anyone knows what the extermination of tens of millions of people has done over the long run or if the one Martin Luther or Einstein we lost as a result wouldn't have been worth the rest living. Always fight for life IMO.