Here is a Target window that adds some additional features in you MQ2. Shows mob class and lvl etc.
View attachment 166894
There any custom UI's worth using on EMU's? Default one is such a fucking mess.
make a macroI've never used MQ2 beyond just opening a map and looking for monsters and the /stick command.
I'd love to get all that bullshit working but I will probably never care enough to actually do it.
Anyone happen to know what chat filter would cover an AA text? My Technique of Master Wu is spamming the shit out of me with "The spirit of Master Wu fills you! You gain 1 additional attack(s)." every 1second.
That's cool. What do you do with that wall of code?
Every custom one I found didn't work :*( Think you would have to find ROF2 specific one, where EQ Interface etc have stuff for Live.
What up with PC flurry? I'm going to hit 65 soon and thinking about dps AA to farm AA faster.
/bca //target id ${Me.ID} **boxes target the PC sending the command regardless of char names, I use /bca because we only box 1 char on this server**
/bca //casting "Greater Healing" **you can use /cast, but /casting is better as Jysin pointed out earlier in this thread**
/bct Leafblower //target id ${Target.ID} **${Target.ID} will select your main chars current target**
/bct Leafblower //cast 3
/pause 35 **telling the main char to pause for 3.5sec before asking box to cast 2nd DoT**
/bct Leafblower //cast 4 **/cast uses spell gem # instead of spell name, but it's not as reliable as /casting**
/bcaa //sit **/bca is broadcast to all but main toon, /bcaa is broadcast to all toons, /bct CHARNAME is broadcast to specific toon**
Is that emu specific? I want Gnome mask!Jysin &
Brikker according to this post from Oct 2017 the Ancients in ST 2.0 have the Warder loot as well.