Thanks guys. There have been some tough times (around the Great Recession). There have been times when customers owed me over $100,000, with only 13k sitting in the bank. There have been times when I should have laid off employees for non-performance much earlier than I did. I attach myself too easily to employees, and once I do, I tend to cover up their faults. I put up with Estimators pricing stuff too low for years. I just let a guy go after 45 days, because he wasn't covering my labor costs on some jobs. He was bidding $3,500 jobs for 1,000. You get some leeway when you hire on, but when you keep pricing jobs that take multiple crews a solid day, and only charge the customer three hours, you've go to go.
If I could go back and change things, I'd have my business and house paid off already, and another 500k on hand. I didn't know how to manage the slow times. We used to just sit there and starve, living off savings for the year. We'd work one day a week, like everyone else, in the Winter. I think some of you might remember when I was thinking about selling firewood in the Winter, because there was no work? That's all changed. We haven't missed a day of work in five years, other than to inclement weather. When I added the first billboard, we saw a 10% increase in sales. The same with the second. Radio was added, and brought about a 6% increase. Newspaper brought about 3-4%. Google helped. And then when we went to TV, everyone in the area knew who we were.
I remember one Winter, we lost 100k between Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar. Now we hover at break-even in the slow times. I've made $60k net in a month in the business, and I've lost 25k in a month in the business. And that was all because of not managing demand (marketing).
If there was a business slow down, it was because I didn't have my hands on the ship (I had Managers). Now I manage and estimate, and profit is where it should be. Will I ever be able to run more businesses? I don't know, I can't get Managers to think like I do. They think too small, and that guides everything they do. I pay them more than they can get anywhere else. But they still take the path of least resistance.
When shit hit the fan, it required "out of the box" thinking. None of my competitors have followed me in advertising, so that's weird. So they sit at home starving right now. It's right before Christmas, and I'm booked three of the four weeks in January already.