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I'm the youngest male in a house full of women, so color me pink and call me Ken Barbie. I'm a storehouse of secrets! Anyways...Not even just a little bit, I wish women were more like men. No homo (keep the breasts and vagina). I'm just saying that with a wife and daughter, I don't understand their line of reasoning most of the time.
I'm not saying retail won't work, I just think that the next time I do a business, it will be another boring service company with very little competition.
Your next business will be more of the same "boring" analytical work, because that's what you enjoy. Most people in this forum are powergamers, because that's the play style we enjoy, but not everyone here carries that passion into the real world. And then again some do. A lot of us here seem to enjoy the same theorycrafting irl that we enjoy in our games. Trying to get the most bang for your buck, trying to run your business with the most efficiency possible, spending money only where return is promised, working on your business and not just in it. I mean, how many of us would've been any good at raiding if we spent all our time farming ore, killing badies, and running across the map with zero time spent figuring out which robe made our character spit mad fire?
But yeah...shopping... My mom enjoys going into a store to touch everything, smell the smells, and achieve general sensory overload. When I go into a store, I already know what I want, what I like, and I'm analyzing every shelf as soon as I walk in. I only shop at JCrew because it looks good, feels good, and everything fits me perfectly. I never have to waste time trying on clothes. It's the only store I've ever been in where I can drop $300 in 20 minutes and hover between going back for more or gauging my eyes out. I blame my...sisters? Anyways, that's about as close to shopping catharsis as I get, but I'm sure women experience about 10x that...every...single...day.
So, between the two, there are business opportunities out there for everyone. Whether they enjoy the min/maxing aspects of their business or front room customer service, to each their own.
I guess I should also point out that if there wasn't a JCrew outlet nearby where I can get 70% off, I wouldn't hesitate buying clothes online. I don't have to touch them in the store, I already know the feel good.