If you read this guys site, he says you don"t "need" an MBA. It"s got a ton of pretty interesting information. Basically, he says everything you need to know, you can learn on your own.
The Personal MBA: Get a World-Class Business Education
I don"t know what your personal financials are, but if you can"t come up with cash-money for 20% of what you want to borrow, I wouldn"t even plan on a bank talking at all.
When it comes to banks, they really only care about your ability to repay, the loan to value ration of what you"re buying against what you"re borrowing, and the cashflow to make the payments.
The banks got burned by loaning out too much money without taking enough collateral, and they just aren"t doing it anymore.
So say, you find a building that suits you, and it"s 300,000. Then, you price out all the equipment you need to run a brew-pub (I presume you"ll have a bar and some seating?). Let"s say that"s another 200,000.
So you"re into it 500,000. But, you"ll need money to buy all of your supplies, inventory, and your payroll for the first few months. So that"s another 100,000.
So, you figure you can open this brew-pub for 600,000 (even if it"s not a pub and just the brewery). The banks are going to look at this and say:
"We will loan you $240,000 for your building. We will be in first mortgage posistion on your building, and we expect you to come up with the remaining $60,000 out of your pocket. We will also loan you $80,000 for your equipment, and expect you to come up with $120,000 out of your pocket. We will not loan you any startup, inventory or payroll."
So now, to open your $600,000 dollar endeavour, you need $280,000 cash out of pocket. That"s just a ballpark scenario where they are going
1) 80% LTV on real estate
2) 40% LTV on equipment (this could be higher if brewing stuff has a stable value)
3) Nothing on liquid startup and operating budget.
It"s pretty daunting. It used to be, banks would loan you alot more, but they got burned. So now, they"re sticking with the "20% down" pretty hard, so if they have to repo it, they don"t go backwards. And any money they lend that isn"t collateralized with something, they MIGHT do a personal guarantee, where basically you sign that your home, car, personal property... that all guarantees the loan.
I have a SBA loan for 16k that has no collateral other than my Personal Guarantee, which means I said I"d let them repo/sell anything I personally own if my business can"t pay it"s bills. They gave me this SBA in 2007 for 25k just on my personal guarantee and my business cashflow, I had no assets.
Today, that SBA program doesn"t even exist and they"d never, ever make that loan to me now, even though I make more money and have more assets.
The first thing a lender asks nowdays is "When this guy fails, what can I repo and sell to get my money back?" Real estate is best, expensive equipment is second best. Tables, chairs, printers... all worthless.
You can basically decide what you can borrow by what you can come up with in cash. And by cash, I just mean non-bank loans. If you can convince grandma to loan you 50k, you can use that as "cash" for the down payment, but borrowing 80% from a bank, and 20% from a private party still puts you at 100% leveraged and pretty much fucked in the event of a mishap.
I know it sounds like I"m trying to talk you out of it, but I"m not. The opposite in fact. I am involved in this process right now, and it"s just one butt-fuck after another.
But, there"s nothing better than owning a successful, profitable business.