This game is terrible. It takes a while to figure out just wtf is going on.
So I get xp while offline, and while online it gets changed into other kinds of xp which levels up my "inner level" or skills. Which can be done while afk. I see a lot of people afk next to waterfalls, which makes you convert this xp faster. I still don't know what the merridian system is about but I finally managed to turn that on and get some xp. Which takes even more forever to level.
Quests would be impossible to follow if they were more complicated than kill 2 bandits and pick 5 flowers. NPCs will tell you they have a bandit problem, then stop talking. So you have to talk to them again to get the quest. Then you can walk into the middle of the supposedly evil bandits who wont attack you until you hit them first. There's a lot of delivery quests, and way too much running back and forth.
I thought tradeskilling was alright at first. There's a daily limit to how much you can level up each tradeskill. There's also a daily limit to how much you can tradeskill period. When you use it all up, it doesn't start up full the next day, it will fill up while you're online. I don't see why playing go should mean you can't go chop wood. Waiting for your farm crops to grow is terrible. If you afk, insects can randomly destroy your shit so fast. There's also a daily limit per skill on how much xp you can gain. They really just don't want people to play this game.
I checked out the cash shop just to look, and the items in there only last for 30 days. Who wants to rent some hat, for real money, for only 30 days? Ridiculous.
The game looks pretty though.