Had a last minute cancellation of my board game night, so I figured I would catch this before it got slotted out of the Dolby at my theater for Rocketman tomorrow.
Movie was fine, Will Smith was much better than I thought he would be. Jafar wasn't actually that bad per se, so much as he was just a far cry from the role he was reprising. If we never had the animated villain, he would have been much more palatable. He had the calm demeanor, but none of the menacing presence.
Jasmine's new songs felt way out of place. Not that they were bad, I dont even think they were that far over the top girl power. She was correct that she was the only one that cared about her people, other than her father, and should be queen (they probably would have been more overtly "Girl Power" if the Sultan was a bumbling idiot like in the original). However, they felt like a stage musical song stuck in a Disney musical. Maybe Disney wants to bring it to the stage next?
I had read the comments here about the speed up, slow down, so it was obvious when I saw it in the movie. The times I really noticed it were during "One Jump Ahead" where it kind of really made the movie look like a Guy Ritchie movie. It was also used during Prince Ali (which I swear was a different cut than that preview they put out on youtube) and the end credits reprise of "Friend Like Me". I am pretty sure it is there to imitate an animated look, because that's how they animate things, slow on key frames, fast on transitions. The TikTok app does basically the same thing, and with proper choreography can make people look unsettlingly animated, which is what happened. There is a good example of it being done at the start of this thread
Anyway, the movie is fine, but there is no reason to spend 2 hours watching this when you could spend 90 minutes watching Robin Williams.