Im so sick of Hollywood faggots taking beloved stories and "telling their own version".
I guaran fuckng tee you this will just be shit with a couple alien references about writers and shitty DEI actors expressing their own feelings about Trump and in the finale someone will see a picture of Ripley and this will be the only connection to the OG.
I would rather fist my own ass with the infinity gaunlet than even try watching this.
Seriously, the show is called Alien Earth, is set in the world where two movies about ALIENS FIGHTING WITH HUMANS and basically created amazing Horror and Action genres, and this is a show about fucking androids.
Hey you got to make certain to make a trailer announcing a trailer to get you jazzed up! I'm so tired of that shit. Just put the goddamn trailer out.
I still think this is going to be a stinker by the way.