Via twilight zone:
I think the point was for you to watch it and believe in sim theory like I’ve been saying these past few weeks.
Funny how once I started figuring out the world was a simulation, popular culture happening all the Time via making movies and tv shows about it in mass. I mean Muse just came out with an album called simulation theory LOL. YEAH BROS all just random chance!
The writing is on the fucking wall. This common sense sign is everywhere.
Funny thing Elon had to spell it out for me, I barely figured it out myself. I knew weird shit was going on but I didn’t realize I was in a simulation. I just thought my computers were being hacked.
I think you're sincere and mean well, but fried your brain with something (you said a few days ago when you posted like a madman that you were getting your stomach pumped... what did you OD on?).
So I'll talk to you plainly and honestly.
It'd be more impressive and seemingly more likely that you were living in a grand simulation had you thought of this FIRST and THEN pop culture started showing you signs, but you said yourself that the chronological order of things were:
1) You knew weird shit was going on
2) Elon spelled it out for you
3) Pop culture started making movies and tv shows about it
4) Muse put out an album
Or, to spell this out in another way:
1) You were off the rails already
2) Latched on to a hip tech guy for whatever reason as your prophet
3) Pop culture fed you conformation bias
4) Muse is a shitty band that feeds you even more confirmation bias
Jasker: This isn't a simulation. I'm a real person, Bandwagon isn't an alien, Hodj and Erronius are individuals and real people too and your brain is just firing too fast or too much or something and your reality is a bit bent. This is the God honest truth and I hope you snap out of this.