On another note...
I'm really curious what the end-game is here. How does this go on for another 7 more books? There has to be a lot more going on than what we see right now. It's also mentioned that at one point the desolations were going on nearly every few years - where did all these parshmen come from to feed that supply of troops? How does a desolation even end? And what's Odium's end game? By that I mean I don't understand how the desolations actually get him closer to killing cultivation and being free, which is supposedly his end goal.
And then of course there's the question on how Odium came to be the god of the parsh instead of the humans, and Honor the opposite with Cultivation just sort of...being there.
Did I miss something with Rock? Why was he able to use the shard bow? Or is he just a huge swoll ass monster?
Yeah, from what i have read, it's actually going to be two 5 book series. Some of the characters from the first series will be in the second, but not sure if they are going to be main or supporting.yeah I was reading a wiki about the heralds after I finished the book and someone commented mentioning that there is a planned time jump/break after book 5.
i'd be pretty pleased with more Warbreaker books, as well. It was solid and I thought Vasher and Vivenna were interesting characters.
Finally finished last night, and not sure how I feel about it overall.....
Wasn't enamored with the first 75% of the book - didn't dislike it by any means, but wasn't a page turner either. I went into this book expecting (probably my fault) this to be Sandersons "Storm of Swords", and while the last 25% was good (the battle was GREAT), the first 1800 pages felt like complete filler to me. A good book, and definitely better than most in this genre but after the WoK I expected more. He's still several tiers below the fat man in Westeros as a writer and I'm not sure that will ever change. What he lacks in ability though he makes up for in sheer volume and pace and that's a trade off I'll make every day of the week. Looking forward to the next book now, I just hope he dives into the meat of story immediately and doesn't meander around too much
Spoilers below:
I'm really glad he ended the utterly stupid love triangle and think he went in the right direction. I was prepared for him to shoehorn Kaladin/Shallan together and pleased he didn't. I also don't love the turn he's taking with Moash, because his eventual reformation and turn to the light side seems obvious. Hopefully I'm wrong. Kaladin wasn't featured as much as I'd like, and seems to be sort of stagnating as a character. I did like the Szeth stuff quite a bit, and enjoyed what little time Jasnah received. Dalinar, his power scale is totally screwed up and I'll be very interested to see how he tempers that power going forward, and finally, Renarin - I actually really liked that one of the unmade is on the fence and potentially turning to the side of the radiants through him particularly.
I really hope Sanderson doesn't go down that road of redeeming Moash. Just let Kaladin put a spear through him and end it. He is beyond redemption imo.
Moash definitely went over the edge when he killed Elhokar. IFuck that fucker.
Honorblade = PowersPersonally I think Moash will be the anti-Kaladin. He's getting popular with Odium & Co. and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets powers and ends up being Odium's champion, with Kaladin acting as a champion for Dalinar. And Kaladin's last vow will be recognizing that he can't save Moash or that he needs to kill Moash to "save" him or something like that.
Decided to try audible for the first time with oathbringer, not sure I like it, maybe it is the guy reading it, or the dialog is shit, but every time he does someone talking I cringe, only 4 chapters in, I'll give it a few more but may have to go back to just reading
Hard to say. Since we know now that he for a fact has been directly exposed to Cultivation's Perpendicularity (the pool is at the Horneater Peaks), it's entirely possible he was "blessed" with several abilities we don't know much about due to that exposure. He can see spren that don't want to be seen, so heavily increased physical strength is on the menu for sure. If the Nightwatcher can bestow abilities such as "swing a sword and never tire", I don't see how raising one's strength to startling levels isn't impossible.Did I miss something with Rock? Why was he able to use the shard bow? Or is he just a huge swoll ass monster?