Random thoughts:
-Taravangian is Odium now? That wasn't foreshadowed well at all IMO. Granted, I see why that is, it was supposed to be a huge shock or twist. But to me, it played out like "Here's a short scene and now Rayse is dead and we have a new Odium! On to the rest of the denouement!". I was just like, that's it? The text literally says "And then Taravangian ascended to become Odium". THAT'S how you describe someone taking up THE most powerful and 'terrible' of the 16 shards of Adonalsium? What a wasted opportunity to expand on something that should be a grand or significant event. It's been a while since I read Mistborn, but I seem to remember it being more of an event when one of the shardholders dies. Something visible to those witnessing the event (Szeth was RIGHT THERE and didn't see or feel ANYTHING? Come on.)
-In one of the chapter epigraphs, the ones where Sazed(Harmony) is replying to (I believe) Hoid's letter, he mentions something along the lines of "Whoever is holding Odium's power isn't doing a very good job of it". Now that someone of Taravangian's ruthlessness and intellect is in charge, things are going to get much worse I think. Apparently Cultivation planned this event through prophecy? Did she not foresee what would happen if Taravangian got it and that that would be a VERY bad thing?
-Sanderson seems to be going along the lines of Shards almost having a will/intent of their own. That says to me that the best way to neutralize a shard that is pure hatred and fury combined with the ability to carry out that fury, would be to force someone to hold Odium and another shard that would come together to neutralize that hatred. Similar to how Preservation and Ruin combined produce Harmony, Odium combined with something near its opposite would produce a different intent and neutralize the threat posed by Odium alone. Of the shards mentioned so far, I would guess Mercy would be the best opposite to Odium, but there's 2 shards that have yet to be named. Of course, since Odium wouldn't want this to happen, you'd need to somehow manipulate both shards coming together and then kill both shardholders somehow while also having 1 person ready and able to pick them both up. No problemo!
-The amount of filler/waste in this book is shameful. I went back and looked, and I'd put the climax being the point where Kaladin goes into the tower's atrium to face the Pursuer. That starts at about 90% of the way through the book. From that point, to the point where Kaladin comes back and the fighting stops I believe lasts about 2, maybe 3%. That's IT? REALLY? Fuck off with that shit. It's also interrupted by Dalinar's visit with Ishar.
-There's 10 days between the end of this and the contest of champions? I think Sanderson has painted himself into a corner here. Either book 5 is going to be mostly flashbacks for Szeth, or this contest is going to be a mere prelude to something else. This seems like something that should have been built up to more than 10 days, assuming it's not a red herring/misdirection.
-Kaladin's ability to 'project' shardplate armor on anyone else seems like a pretty OP ability. They're also windspren, and windspren have some connection or relationship to honorspren which isn't clear to me yet. If I had to guess, the equivalent relationship for Bondsmiths was gloryspren, as those were the prevalent ones at the climax of Oathbringer.
-Kaladin losing the scars on his forehead seems significant. Storywise I hope it means he can finally drop the rest of the depression side of his character, or at least minimize it. I get that it's his weakness or burden to overcome, but god DAMN is that shit tiresome to read about. I almost gave up 50% through Way of Kings because of that very thing. It just makes reading through it a real slog a lot of the time.
-I liked that Wit/Hoid was featured much more prominently in this one. I've always thought he was the most mysterious character and to find out more about what he's up to is great. Plus he's boning Jasnah apparently? niiiice.jpg. The scene where he and Jasnah put the one highprince in his place as an example was great IMO.
-Szeth should have had more to do than stand around in disguise. Seems like a wasted opportunity to me.
-Venli and Eshonai I don't find to be sympathetic characters at all. Venli especially. I don't understand why either of them would need their own book. If you absolutely MUST do one of the singers to show the rise of the Willshapers and why they don't want to bond humans, Rlain would have been the better choice to expand on than Venli IMO. Or just don't do it at all.
-Sanderson mentioned cymatics in the first book iirc, and that pays off now with the relationship with sound and the various investitures on Roshar. Cool concept IMO.
-I wonder how the various metals (zinc, aluminum, etc) are going to figure on Roshar going forward. I mean, we're all waiting for someone to combine the magic from the various worlds into some OP combination and wreck people. I'm not the only one right? Kaladin's getting his ass kicked, just about to lose, but Hoid shows up with a bead of Lerasium and some metal shavings in a vial, "Drink this!" BOOM, Rosharan surges + allomancy ftw!
-The Shallan personality stuff is just... weird. I kind of just ignored it all because I was focused on her trying to solve the Mraize problem. Do we really need all that? Maybe Sanderson is foreshadowing some method to repair mental wounds that people will figure out and then be able to fix the madness of the Heralds, or even the madness of the Fused using those techniques or abilities. It's pretty tedious to read about though...
-I would have liked a few more Shadesmar mysteries explored. Just going to the Honorspren fortress to hand out without going anywhere else or finding anymore worldhoppers when there was so much time spent on other shit is annoying IMO.
-I honestly think the next book will be better. I think Sanderson has done most of the setup he can think of with this book, and Stormlight Archive is set to be in 2 5 book pieces, right? So the next one is going to be the one where tons of shit happens and it ends on some huge cliffhanger I'm guessing. After that it's supposed to skip forward in time? Who knows though. Maybe he'll work on more mistborn stuff after that.
-Sanderson has earned our patience to deal with a miss like this one IMO. The guy is certainly better than about 99% of authors when it comes to pushing out content and having that content be consistently above average at the least.