Amazing Spider-Man 2


Confirmed Male
Horrible movie, boring as hell. Franchise needs to be returned to the Marvel Studios although that will never happen.


I don't get the target market for this movie, I was thinking it was a movie for 8 to 12 year old's but there is way too much romantic story line in the movie for that market.

On the other hand the story line/plot/backgrounds are so awful can an adult actually sit through this movie without groaning.

And I get the fact that Spiderman is a wise cracking superhero, but his non-stop dialogue just destroys the scenes he is in.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The lack of classic Spidey banter in the first one was one of the worst oversights. He was just a douchey unfunny asshole and it really ruined the only good parts of that movie(the action). ASM2 got that part down waaaaay better.


Thank god for Marvel studios cause if this is what would be the norm for Superhero movies, it would need to go the way of the dodo.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Thank god for Marvel studios cause if this is what would be the norm for Superhero movies, it would need to go the way of the dodo.
Yes please give me more Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3. I'll take ASM 2 and X-Men: DoFP over both of those.


Buzzfeed Editor
The story was cliche, but so are most superhero comics and movies so whatever. It was kind of boring, too. But the action sequences were fucking phenomenal. I'm pretty mixed on it. I missed like 30 minutes in the middle so I ma have missed something that made the whole story more interesting, but I have no desire to go check it out again. If the movie was just like 90 minutes of action sequences, I'd watch it.


The final fight with Spidey against Electro was just too "cartoony" for me. There was absolutely no reason to have Goblin / Rhino in it. The kid who played Harry was just bad. The transforming box car in the abandoned station. The long drawn out love scenes just to try and make you care when Gwen dies. The little kid "stopping" rhino / any action scene in which people were allowed to watch / stood around. When spidey first fights J Fox about 5 minutes later Gwen magically appears in times square when they were both outside of the city just before. Two little copper magnetic arm bands stops an insane amount of electricy from frying spidey's web slingers. Aunt May "Helping out" at the hospital "saving lives" when she just started school. I could go on but you get the idea.

I am all about checking your brain at the door and just enjoying a movie but between this and Transformers 4, it just keeps getting harder and harder to do. I will admit that it was pretty cool when J Fox figured out how to turn into pure energy and warp around, but it looked more like an episode of Dragon Ball Z then anything else. Perhaps this is a good time to post in the, "You know you are getting old when...." thread.


Silver Knight of the Realm
IM2 and 3 were no where near as cheese and boring as this shit. Granted DoFP was good but that is about it.
Oh please, they were insanely cheesey. In IM3, the whole bit about Tony having really corny panic attacks was bad and badly acted. The whole part with the kid in IM3 was nothing but cheese. What about Pepper and when Tony saves her the first time or that she becomes a superbeing or that Tony miraculously cures her and fixes his heart issue. Plus what about the fact he has like 50 Iron Man suits under his building but waits until the rubble is cleared in order to start using them. REALLY, they're fucking Iron Man suits.

Please don't even try to say that ASM2 was more cheesey than IM2 or IM3, it's not even close.


Vyemm Raider
Rhino and Goblin only had introductory roles and people who say they had to many villains are just nitpicking since they had a total amount of time equal to that of a big mac commercial. You could almost say this movie was made to promote the Sinister 6 film they are working on, it wouldnt be a far off comment to make either.

ASM3 got pushed back to like 2018 while inbetween they will do S6, Venom, and Spidergirl or some shit. I imagine S6 will have Spiderman in it and be part of the introduction to Venom making his first appearance. I would guess Spiderman in black suit rapes them all and such but its named S6 because the focus of the movie is on them and not SM. Then again who knows, im curious how they plan to move ahead with this shit.


watched for gwen's death scene.

death scene was terrible.
Did you see the same death scene that I saw? I feel it was done perfectly.

I thought the movie was great, yes there is some stuff that had no reason to be in there such as the air traffic controller scene or the kid at the end, and WTF is up with Rhino. His part was short and looked more like a transformer then the rhino should look. But as far as having to many villains I don't think that 2 is to many (not counting the 2 minutes of Rhino) The action was great and was a ton of fun to watch.


The only thing anyone ever says is good about these movies is the action. Who fucking cares about a few minutes of CGI nestled in the middle of shit acting and shit story? I want to be entertained for the entire time I sit and watch a movie. I feel ripped off if I am bored waiting for the computer clips to start.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I thought even the action sucked. Was boring and average, and even felt like over-produced boring/average action, which is even worse. I couldn't hold interest when trying to watch it when I redboxed it. Ended up playing hearthstone, with occasional glances up at the TV, typically punctuated with an audible derisive laugh at whatever silly nonsense was happening at the time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I gotta admit, i was pretty bummed when Gwen died. I had the feels. So did my gf.
Part of the reason is shes the one actress we both agree on having a threesome with.


Life's a Dream
She's damn hot, and a good actress none the less. I liked "Easy A" even though it was billed as a teen movie. Emma is great.