American Gods


Buzzfeed Editor
Is it really a huge deviation from the books to show Anansi goading a bunch of slaves into murdering their captors and sacrificing themselves for him? It seems pretty spot on to me.

The scene wasn't in the book. In addition, in the book the god was usually one trying spin stories and was one of the 'better' gods. In the show he's talking about cop killing and racism, hah. But again, I don't mind. The Gods are jack asses, and its a collection of really weird stories, so it fits. It's just a fairly big deviation from the books. And that's not just me saying it, the show runners specifically said Anansi was going to be a kind of response to Trump. But I just took umbrage with people saying that people in this thread were seeing things (Note; I wasn't posting before that, I didn't complain about the show, and most people arguing didn't, either)--most of us just were making the point that political messages are really obvious and obtuse at points.

As said, I'm not sure how much more overt it could be when the show runner literally says 'yes, that's totally what we're doing. That scene was meant to be a political message'. At this point people can get a letter from the director saying 'yes these were my motives, and here is a break down of how I conveyed it in the scene' and we'd get some eye-roll and 'that's not what happened!'...'We may never know his motives' shit in this thread is strong, and its just a little funny.

Again, thought, if your stance is 'it's there but its not a big deal'--I agree with you. Whole show is about cult like ideologies that are stupid and hurt people, while making them feel safe/better. So Social Justice shit kind of fits!

So tonight's episode starts off with white slavery. I hope that changes the fighting in this thread about SJW retardation.

The show is just fine.

The show is fine in this regard. The show does have some SJW retardation, but as I said above, it kind of fits. SJW retardation though has always reminded me a lot of the cult like weird shit you find in small baptist midwest towns. Just don't watch interviews with the show runners, they are insufferable.

Honestly the show's biggest problem is what @Soygen said--it's just starting to get boring. That Mad Sweeney episode was a coming to America 10 minute story stretched into a full episode. It's really starting to feel like they are milking it.
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Musty Nester
I liked the African God in the book who told the story about monkey penis.

I don't remember anything about it really besides that monkey had a HUGE DICK.
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Trakanon Raider
Lithose Lithose jesus christ you are bad at critical thinking. The only difference between all those examples and Lightning Lord is where they were shown. The medium on which they are put is irrelevant to the thought process required to come to that shitty of a conclusion. Being on TV versus a discussion board does not factor into whether the logic was more, or less, retarded. I agree, though, he's exactly as stupid as the AC chick. He's over-reacting to something that is not done for the reasons he attributes to them.
I could go spend time finding links to a bunch of nazi shitlords or extremist christian rednecks to show you the same idiocy on the opposite end of the spectrum, but I don't care enough to bother. Point is, trying to show an extreme version of someone's stance to invalidate it is just ignorant and I'd much rather deal with any one of those moronic SJW fucks then the far right assholes on your side of the argument.

Also, yes, the show is political.. Everything is political. Stop mentioning the show is political, we fucking get it. I said the show was not 'anti white' in response to Lightning Lord. Once again, he did not say 'I'm tired of this show being political, and for that reason, I'm out." He said 'I'm tired of the 'evil white people imagery'." and cited the muslim NOT being a terrorist and a scene on a slave ship as all being 'anti-white'. When a reminder that slavery actually happened (y'know.. a fact) and that most muslims aren't actually terrorists is causing someone to feel attacked because he is white, that is an example of a specific white male exhibiting fragility. Telling me how a bunch of other white males take it on the chin all the time as a reason why ALL white males don't exhibit said 'fragility' is also irrelevant to what's being said and a failure of comprehension to the point. In fact, your entire argument is supporting the idea of fragility. "Look at all these people pointing out situations where they feel uncomfortable not being white or male, where's MY sympathy for how hard *I* have it?! I wish *I* could complain about being discriminated against.. but it never happens *cry*". You look exactly as silly as the examples you provided to those not already on your side.


Buzzfeed Editor
Lithose Lithose jesus christ you are bad at critical thinking. The only difference between all those examples and Lightning Lord is where they were shown.The medium on which they are put is irrelevant to the thought process required to come to that shitty of a conclusion.

The medium in how something is put, the context of a statement is extremely important to any objective analysis (Which is the epitome of critical thinking). Scope, reach, institutional trust behind the statements are big; not to mention simply the situation, and environment its said in. The President saying we're going to war, is probably different from you saying 'this means war', right? I'm not sure how you can possibly think critical thinking, which requires objectivity, should be done absent of medium, and analysis of the subjective parameters from an objective point of view. The entire logical fallacy of false equivalence is based on illustrating how important orders of magnitude, context, and other factors are when comparing two things which may appear equivalent based on some factors. If you're speaking of 'fragility', and those other groups need much larger platforms to shout the same kind of message (As you admit), because their issues are 'more critical'--then they are more fragile.

Right? So again, we go back to--what metric do you judge fragility. (And that's giving you that the stupidity is the same--when it's not. The videos are linked are far, far worse logically since they are often based on confirmation bias of random correlation of events to misgivings/difficulty of X group, while Lightning literally had the actor/show runner agreeing with his misgivings and interpretation of the imagery. I'll go over below.)

Being on TV versus a discussion board does not factor into whether the logic was more, or less, retarded. I agree, though, he's exactly as stupid as the AC chick. He's over-reacting to something that is not done for the reasons he attributes to them.

Air conditioning settings can have a variety of factors to why they were set. Using dread locks in your hair can have a variety of factors behind usage that have little to do with oppression (Even finding proximity to cause here is ridiculous, like in what fucking way is someone wearing your hairstyle harming your culture.). But long and short, their logic is terrible because its simply confirmation bias to support their conclusions.

You suppose that Lightning's logic is equally arbitrary, that he's plucking random bits of evidence out that confirm his own bias and that in reality its every bit as poor evidenced/reasoned as an SJW who thinks the AC is at a certain temperature because men hate women. But as I showed, the people who created the show explicitly stated the symbolism, direction and elements in the scene were meant to convey the precise conclusions Lightning came up with. Given that the creators explicitly stated their goals in communicating certain messages...And Lightning provided a reasonable evidence for his conclusions beyond the creatures explicit goals (IE evidenced the actions of the show creatures in the visuals/dialogue displayed)--then his logic is already leagues better than anything in those videos.

I could go spend time finding links to a bunch of nazi shitlords or extremist christian rednecks to show you the same idiocy on the opposite end of the spectrum, but I don't care enough to bother. Point is, trying to show an extreme version of someone's stance to invalidate it is just ignorant and I'd much rather deal with any one of those moronic SJW fucks then the far right assholes on your side of the argument.

That's doubtful. Because, first off--it's not extreme, Enzee. I linked to you a major new Comedy Central show...An article on air conditioning sexism that was in the NYT, Washington Post, ABC, Skynews, MSNBC and discussed on NPR. Universities now offer courses on the 'problems with whiteness'. One of the largest teaching conferences in the EU and America deals with "whiteness". I can go pull up dozens of articles from major publications, not some backwater sites, about cultural appropriation, toxic masculinity, white privilege, whiteness being 'terrorism'. The fucking statement department issued guidance on microaggressions. The DNC said multiple times to 'shut white people down, to shut their mouths and accept they have privilege'.

The fuck are you talking about extreme? As if this is fringe shit. You can't do ANYTHING without tripping over this rhetoric today, certainly not in politics or academia or media. This is not 'extreme', Enzee. I know its a popular fallback to say this shit is only on the internet. But you're being ridiculous if you believe I've cited 'extremes' here. Now, if you can go find me news sources from major publications (Million+circulation, national viewership ect) that show me this kind of idiocy on the 'opposite end of the spectrum', please. I don't think you'll be able to--because the only analog you're going to find to this crazy shit are blogs or some backwater sites, and you know it.

Again, Enzee...if other groups are so fragile that interrupting them is a form of bigotry (Mansplaining, or white speaking privilege--which again, was a term used by the, then what fucking metric are you associating white male with the term? Don't try to simply say I'm countering you with extremes, I can link examples ALL day, and your mind would be fucking BLOWN if I took you on campus and showed you classrooms with this shit. Fucking extreme version...Open your damn eyes.

Also, yes, the show is political.. Everything is political. Stop mentioning the show is political, we fucking get it. I said the show was not 'anti white' in response to Lightning Lord. Once again, he did not say 'I'm tired of this show being political, and for that reason, I'm out." He said 'I'm tired of the 'evil white people imagery'." and cited the muslim NOT being a terrorist and a scene on a slave ship as all being 'anti-white'. When a reminder that slavery actually happened (y'know.. a fact) and that most muslims aren't actually terrorists is causing someone to feel attacked because he is white, that is an example of a specific white male exhibiting fragility.

Lightning didn't say the show was Anti-White once. He said the show often explicitly reminds the audience that minority suffering comes at the hands of white people (Your "tired of evil white people imagery"). Since the show runners, the actual speeches in the show, and the visuals in the show all showed and confirmed this, well, I don't see why you're trying to argue it, he's simply right (The only argument should be whether it rises to a level where you can ignore it). Also, he specifically did talk about the show being political, and that was his reason for ending it (Hence why I said it--his second post, go read it.)

He cited Muslims not being terrorists as pretty clear humorous hyperbole. He cited the slave ship because it was a slave ship where the dude was talking about cop killings, and other things whites would do to them, not just slavery. It was clear the scene wasn't just citing historical fact about slavery, so saying 'that happened!', as if it's just reminding us of history is bullshit. (Nor is any part of the show like that, it's all fantasy history obviously). It was an overt political statement about anger, and mistreatment by whites even to the present day (Which again, the show runners AND actor confirmed. So it's not like Lightning was pulling it from his ass.)

Telling me how a bunch of other white males take it on the chin all the time as a reason why ALL white males don't exhibit said 'fragility' is also irrelevant to what's being said and a failure of comprehension to the point. In fact, your entire argument is supporting the idea of fragility. "Look at all these people pointing out situations where they feel uncomfortable not being white or male, where's MY sympathy for how hard *I* have it?! I wish *I* could complain about being discriminated against.. but it never happens *cry*". You look exactly as silly as the examples you provided to those not already on your side.

I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to say here. Listen, the essence of the argument discern your metric is for even using the term "white male fragility. Because honestly, you simply sound racist. If a black person complains, and I cite their skin color as a source of their fragile or unstable nature--you'd rightly say I was displaying a form of bigotry using an irrelevant, immutable characteristic. What does "white male" have to do with fragility? How is that different from Jew with greed, or blackness with thuggery? If I made those associations you'd clearly see the racism--but here you simply toss it out and don't expect to be called on it because you actually are used to your hypocrisy going unchecked thanks to the quite fucking durable nature of the group you believe is fragile.

I showed you how other groups vocalize their misgivings louder, far more ubiquitously and over more ambiguous issues. A white dude vented in a small discussion group about visuals on a show which the show runner confirmed he correctly interpreted. That is somehow equivalent to black people getting national air time to address whites with dread locks, and women on the national news discussing the sexism of air conditioning, and how men spreading their legs needs to be criminalized. That is your argument, and you actually believe somehow the 'white male' there is fragile? LOL.

Again, what is your metric for fragility here? Because it sounds like you simply believe white males have it so good that any complaint is fragility! (Which again, is racist...and stupid, really. Because the white male from a defunct Kentucky Coal mine, who got his legs blown off in Iraq and now begs for food I guess has it better than the Obama girls, because, you know, they are black and female--and at least he has his white AND male privilege!)

So I don't disrupt the thread. You should respond in the Gamergate thread, Enzee, since you're kind of trying to sprawl here and I need to nail you down with a lot of information to cut the bullshit off at the source. TLDR though? The show runners explicitly stated the imagery was congruent with Lightning's thoughts; which given he can also cite concrete examples, already makes his logic several fold better than any the crazy vids I posted. Also, scope and scale of whining, especially when your metric of fragility seems to be pretty much be binary on whether someone chooses to bitch about something, means a lot in terms of analysis. Understanding context, and the medium, and magnitude of things are essential for critical thinking. I can only assume you've mixed up critical thinking, which is based on objective analysis, with critical theory--which is dog shit.

Go post in the other thread and tag me, and I'll be glad to pile a mountain of citations. Or just hand waive and say IOOTI and somehow 'white male fragility' isn't bullshit racism that is as offensive as 'jewish greediness' or 'black thuggery'--and the only reason you're not called on that bullshit more is because white males are decidedly not fragile, and often simply take criticism in stride. So maybe you could lay the fuck off when one rolls his eyes at the relentless streams of vacuous virtue that falls out of Hollywood's asshole after Screamfeeder invites them all over to prove how tolerant they are by getting fucked in the ass by Mexican Jesus. You know, right before they kick brown Jesus out of their gated community so the 'wrong element' doesn't hang around while their kids run off to private school, with the protection of private guards with guns; and then they ship off their latest bowel movement about how walls are hateful, guns are evil, and we should embrace diversity in our communities.
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Buzzfeed Editor
The scene wasn't in the book. In addition, in the book the god was usually one trying spin stories and was one of the 'better' gods. In the show he's talking about cop killing and racism, hah. But again, I don't mind. The Gods are jack asses, and its a collection of really weird stories, so it fits. It's just a fairly big deviation from the books. And that's not just me saying it, the show runners specifically said Anansi was going to be a kind of response to Trump. But I just took umbrage with people saying that people in this thread were seeing things (Note; I wasn't posting before that, I didn't complain about the show, and most people arguing didn't, either)--most of us just were making the point that political messages are really obvious and obtuse at points.

As said, I'm not sure how much more overt it could be when the show runner literally says 'yes, that's totally what we're doing. That scene was meant to be a political message'. At this point people can get a letter from the director saying 'yes these were my motives, and here is a break down of how I conveyed it in the scene' and we'd get some eye-roll and 'that's not what happened!'...'We may never know his motives' shit in this thread is strong, and its just a little funny.

Again, thought, if your stance is 'it's there but its not a big deal'--I agree with you. Whole show is about cult like ideologies that are stupid and hurt people, while making them feel safe/better. So Social Justice shit kind of fits!

Yeah, I realize it wasn't in the books as a scene, it just fits Anansi's character so well, the manipulation and the storytelling and the bombastic personality. I don't think it deviates from the character or the books, to me it seemed like Orlando Jones pretty well captured who Anansi was.The showrunners specifically talk about this, he's pissing them off in order to get to the goal, which is for them to sacrifice everyone on board the ship to him. We know his motives quite well.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I didn't know 2 posts would eventually inspire Lithose, God of Logic and Typing to swoop in and sacrifice all of you blind cunts in his name.
I feel truly humbled.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Boring episode but I think it's probably because I really hate any screen time given to that bitch even though it was a different character. I guess that means she's a good actress?
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I didn't know 2 posts would eventually inspire Lithose, God of Logic and Typing to swoop in and sacrifice all of you blind cunts in his name.
I feel truly humbled.

View attachment 146078

I wouldn't get too satisfied with myself. That's only marginally more difficult than getting a post in screenshots Jew starred by Sterling.
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Log Wizard
I wouldn't get too satisfied with myself. That's only marginally more difficult than getting a post in screenshots Jew starred by Sterling.

I blocked Lithose after the Thor Ragnarok thread. I carefully checked where he posted to see if he was of any interest to me on this forum. His three threads were Thor, Politics, and Gamergate. So he was no loss. He joins Uber and Wooly (RIP) on my short list of blocked people.

I come to this thread to read about vidya games, what movies/shows suck because they're boring, and to follow McCheese's eating adventures and daily life choices. I don't think this community is one I'd look for expertise in other matters.
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Musty Nester
I wouldn't get too satisfied with myself. That's only marginally more difficult than getting a post in screenshots Jew starred by Sterling.

It makes me sad that I can't give this post a gold star.
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Unelected Mod
I blocked Lithose after the Thor Ragnarok thread. I carefully checked where he posted to see if he was of any interest to me on this forum. His three threads were Thor, Politics, and Gamergate. So he was no loss. He joins Uber and Wooly (RIP) on my short list of blocked people.

I come to this thread to read about vidya games, what movies/shows suck because they're boring, and to follow McCheese's eating adventures and daily life choices. I don't think this community is one I'd look for expertise in other matters.

So you came into this thread to post your own views on the politics of the show but you really dont want anyone to argue with you about it.

If you don't want people to engage you on specific topics, I suggest that rather than putting people on ignore that want to engage you, you just not comment on those things.
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I'm With HER ♀
...In the end, after 10+ paragraphs, I still don't even know what the fuck you guys are trying to argue. The show's catering to the SJW crowd because Anansi made a speech with rhetoric similar to Trump's? White men are getting shit on by this show because of a 2 minute scene where they were shown to be the antagonists vs. Mexican immigrants? It's okay for the show to be political as long as it's not shilling the view you disagree with?

I scan over and see railing about the hypocrisy of Hollywood shoving diversity virtue down our throats, but the fucking show is American Gods. You were going to see the story of the immigrants coming to America and bringing their gods and dealing with being the wrong religion or skin color in the the New World...because that's what the show is. And that's what history is? If some dude wants to get triggered because he feels like he's being demonized by the actions of white characters on a fucking TV program, maybe he needs to take a step back and reevaluate why he feels personally targeted by a 30-second clip where a white guy shoots a brown guy in cold blood.
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Unelected Mod
...In the end, after 10+ paragraphs, I still don't even know what the fuck you guys are trying to argue. The show's catering to the SJW crowd because Anansi made a speech with rhetoric similar to Trump's? White men are getting shit on by this show because of a 2 minute scene where they were shown to be the antagonists vs. Mexican immigrants? It's okay for the show to be political as long as it's not shilling the view you disagree with?

I scan over and see railing about the hypocrisy of Hollywood shoving diversity virtue down our throats, but the fucking show is American Gods. You were going to see the story of the immigrants coming to America and bringing their gods and dealing with being the wrong religion or skin color in the the New World...because that's what the show is. And that's what history is? If some dude wants to get triggered because he feels like he's being demonized by the actions of white characters on a fucking TV program, maybe he needs to take a step back and reevaluate why he feels personally targeted by a 30-second clip where a white guy shoots a brown guy in cold blood.

The main argument from the people that were upset about the politican leanings of the show wasn't that there was a political leaning, but that it was ridiculously heavy-handed and eye-roll inducing. Not that it had a political slant by itself.
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Buzzfeed Editor
So you came into this thread to post your own views on the politics of the show but you really dont want anyone to argue with you about it.

If you don't want people to engage you on specific topics, I suggest that rather than putting people on ignore that want to engage you, you just not comment on those things.

It's funny because the dude is drawn to the drama of controlling conversations he thinks shouldn't happen. Check out this thread after the gay Djinn scene showed, Xevy comes to threads jerking off about anything that might be made political. If there is something that can become political, he WILL be there, and quickly too. He'll appear in threads he had no interest in before just to shit on people who want to discuss it.

The episode tonight is really, really, really gay. Going to be great.

And the whole point will be to try and mock people for being 'triggered', because they discuss any views he doesn't agree with. Even if he does agree with them, he should be the only one to go 'off topic' (Which he chooses, of course.) Which makes it hilarious that I triggered him enough to put me on ignore. The rage when I called him out on his behavior, how he's like an apathetic locust, coming to threads to devour any interesting conversation that's not some fucking curated Gaf 'inoffensive' content, was amazing. I guess you can take the poster out of Gaf, but not the Gaf out of the poster. Oh well.

The rest of the posters who just don't like political shit will say their piece, and won't seek it out. And I completely understand why people like Royal and Cybsled roll their eyes at this stuff sometimes--I do too, its annoying its become so obtuse that I sympathize, even if I disagree about discussing it. But Xevy, that dude has always been on another level getting upset people aren't doing what he wants.
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Buzzfeed Editor
...In the end, after 10+ paragraphs, I still don't even know what the fuck you guys are trying to argue. The show's catering to the SJW crowd because Anansi made a speech with rhetoric similar to Trump's? White men are getting shit on by this show because of a 2 minute scene where they were shown to be the antagonists vs. Mexican immigrants? It's okay for the show to be political as long as it's not shilling the view you disagree with?

I scan over and see railing about the hypocrisy of Hollywood shoving diversity virtue down our throats, but the fucking show is American Gods. You were going to see the story of the immigrants coming to America and bringing their gods and dealing with being the wrong religion or skin color in the the New World...because that's what the show is. And that's what history is? If some dude wants to get triggered because he feels like he's being demonized by the actions of white characters on a fucking TV program, maybe he needs to take a step back and reevaluate why he feels personally targeted by a 30-second clip where a white guy shoots a brown guy in cold blood.

To add on to what Khalid said. Most of us didn't even post about it until people tried to deny that there was some pretty ham fisted imagery shoved into the show to convey a political message. It's fine that its in there, but it is painfully obvious, and people were saying it wasn't (Which is also fine, but that's what debate is about). "Don't piss on me and say its raining"--is pretty much the epitome of all the posts. Most of us have continued to say we like the show, and don't think its a huge deal. But there was a debate about whether it was there and obtuse. Now the debate has morphed into whether there is some kind of legitimacy in even addressing it? Yes of course there is. Why not?

You guys are triggered by others being triggered. How far down this rabbit hole do you want to go? When is something 'just dumb' to talk about? As I said earlier, we're a society where the national news, EVERY publication of it, discussed whether air conditioning temperatures were sexist toward women. We're a society where there is a nationally televised show where the belief that wearing clothes from another culture personally targets the members of that culture as a form of discrimination. And you're here crying foul because a couple people, in a discussion form meant for discussing the show, said the political message in a few scenes was heavy handed, even though the show runners and actors expressly said the political message was intentional, and most assuredly directed at said group?

Come on. Enough of this shit questioning why anyone would even discuss this. It's old. Wake up to a fucking country where Donald Trump is President--weird shit is happening, don't get upset because certain people actually have the desire to talk about it rather than simply smile as they get a Djinn flambe shoved down their throats.
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Log Wizard
So you came into this thread to post your own views on the politics of the show but you really dont want anyone to argue with you about it.

If you don't want people to engage you on specific topics, I suggest that rather than putting people on ignore that want to engage you, you just not comment on those things.

I don't start the political shit and I generally just stop responding because these circle jerk regards could go forever. Just look at the solidarity upvotes and who's doing them. Might as well be reach around icons.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I don't start the political shit and I generally just stop responding because these circle jerk regards could go forever. Just look at the solidarity upvotes and who's doing them. Might as well be reach around icons.

I wonder when @Khane started putting it in Xevy's ass?
