Ancient Aliens Debunked

Aychamo BanBan

If anyone hasn't seen this, watch it. It's pretty damn great. It's nice to see a very logical and well thought out series of arguments made against the retards that believe in ancient aliens. It's also great to get to see the clips in which the ancient aliens supporters make their ridiculous claims.

It's a 3 hour or so documentary. It's free. It's all sourced. And it's available on YouTube, so you can use a site like to download the movie and watch it on your tv.


A Mod Real Quick
I never watched the show because they have the author of Chariots of the Gods as one of their main interviewees. It came out many years before that show even came out that he fabricated pottery featuring alien stuff by paying some old lady to make it for him. Piece of shit.

Aychamo BanBan

I never watched the show because they have the author of Chariots of the Gods as one of their main interviewees. It came out many years before that show even came out that he fabricated pottery featuring alien stuff by paying some old lady to make it for him. Piece of shit.
Haha, did he really? That's pretty fucked up! I'm going to have to google research that.


Molten Core Raider
Is it really necessary to debunk that show? It's like spending all that time and money to debunk Professional Wrestling.

We know it's fake.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's like posting in a Lumie thread with the intent of changing his mind. Clearly this movie was made by aliens in order to hide themselves better!


A Mod Real Quick
Unfortunately I can't find the thing I read before. I remember it came out that he was paying some woman to fabricate "ancient relics" for his book. I did find..

Von Daniken tells of his experiences in Point Aleph, "a sort of fourth dimension'" where time doesn't exist. He revealed how he can now leave his body at will, transcending all concepts of space and time. "I know that astronauts visited the earth in ancient times", he confides, because "I was there when the astronauts arrived. And I know they'll be back." Unfortunately for us, he can't say exactly when, since "time doesn't exist in Point Aleph."

"I even know what will happen after death". We're all ears. "l will become part of this huge never-to-be-destroyed ball of energy that keeps and remembers every last tiny thing that has ever happened on this planet. Everybody will join me there eventually and at least they'll know then that I was right"


A Mod Real Quick
Ok I found it.

"Where is the proof for von D?niken's claims? Some of it was fraudulent. For example, he produced photographs of pottery that he claimed had been found in an archaeological dig. The pottery depicts flying saucers and was said to have been dated from Biblical times. However, investigators from Nova (the fine public-television science program) found the potter who had made the allegedly ancient pots. They confronted von D?niken with evidence of his fraud. His reply was that his deception was justified because some people would only believe if they saw proof ("The Case of the Ancient Astronauts," first aired 3/8/78, done in conjunction with BBC's Horizon and Peter Spry-Leverton)!"

Aychamo BanBan

Is it really necessary to debunk that show? It's like spending all that time and money to debunk Professional Wrestling.

We know it's fake.
Yeah, obviously. But I found a lot of the real explanations interesting. For example, the stupid tomb with what slightly looks like a mayan riding a spaceship upwords, was actually their tree that they hold sacred (or something), and a mayan descending into the underworld, etc.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah i linked this on the old Documentary thread last summer on FOH. its exceptionally well made. not sure why this needs its own thread though. still its pretty good for people who follow this kind of stuff and hate these motherfuckers on the history channel pulling shit out of their asses. according to those cocksuckers nobody has ever built anything intricate or bigger than a hut without space aliens lending a hand. they even implied that leonardo davinci was a spaceman


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is the worst news I've heard all day! Now what am I going to do with my free time?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I always thought that an advanced "root" civilization was always more likely than the Gou'ald building Stargates and creating our civilization.


"I even know what will happen after death". We're all ears. "l will become part of this huge never-to-be-destroyed ball of energy that keeps and remembers every last tiny thing that has ever happened on this planet. Everybody will join me there eventually and at least they'll know then that I was right"

Aychamo BanBan

Ok, I'm loving this. It's taking me forever to get through, but some of the claims by AA are so funny, and when AAD explains them, it's hilarious. Has AA or any of its whackos responded to the debunking? So much of their claims are outright lies.


Millie's Staff Member
nobody but true believers would ever believe their claims anyway, a true believer wouldnt even bother looking for a different opinion so i doubt these guys would bother responding