A lot of stuff is missing either because it's underwater or was pillaged for building materials.at least 7000 years old. stupid cavemen building stone roads? yeah sure.
The remarkable find was made by a team of archaeologists from the University of Zadar during their exploration near the sunken Neolithic settlement of Soline on Korčula Island.
The road, consisting of meticulously arranged stone plates, measures four meters in width and is believed to have served as a vital link between the submerged prehistoric settlement of the Hvar culture and the coastal area of Korčula Island.
By conducting radiocarbon analysis on well-preserved wood fragments recovered during the recent expedition, experts estimate that the entire settlement was established around 4,900 BC.
Sicily was literally Greek, well known historical factyes, i do agree that southern Italy/sicily seems to be greek influenced. thats cool, same mediterranean people doing mediterranean things. france, portugal and spain. all the same mofos.
its not that big of a deal though. greek and roman culture is the same thing. just different names for stuff , but its the same people. Egypt was likely a mediterranean country far back in time too. they dont want to admit that so they never released King Tut's DNA to the public. but its pretty obvious why they havent. the Mediterraneans built ancient Egypt. someday they will admit it. they might as well because they got retards like Mrs Will Smith saying Egyptians were a bunch of negros who wuz kangz and sheeeeeit. mediterraneans dont have white guilt.Sicily was literally Greek, well known historical fact