Andrew Bird


Molten Core Raider
Andrew Bird is pretty fun if you're in the right mood for him. Mellow. Chill. Amazing on the violin. A far better whistler than a singer, but still decent.

If you are wanting metal, hip hop, or danceable music, just stop now and go elsewhere. If you want to kick back and relax, give this a try...

EDIT: Start the vid at about 1:20.



Silver Knight of the Realm
Truly underrated artist..seen him a few times in Chicago. Good guy as well. I am a hard rocker at heart but his jazzy folk music seems to calm me down every time. Very relaxing...


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
He's awesome. He periodically does tours where he performs strictly in churches with 500 or fewer seats. This isn't a religious thing, he finds churches that have good acoustics and fairly small rooms. It makes for a very intimate concert that can largely be acoustically supported, rather than amplified. It's a totally different sound, and it is a sound that suits him. Have seen him several times in shows like that, vastly prefer it. I'm bringing him in later this year for a show.

He's a talented dude who brings other talented folks together to make pretty quality music.



Molten Core Raider
I saw him in Columbus. He was playing as the second set of a three set show. I had gone to see him play. While the third act was on the stage, he went back to his merchandise table and was there with like one other person. I got to meet him and I think I scared the piss out of him. I'm not a small dude and I get really excited sometimes. He was nice, but I was blow away by how tiny he is. You don't see it when he's on stage or in videos, but the guy is like... SCARY thin. Anyway... I do love his music. His best show I've seen was where St. Vincent opened for him and it was really a toss up as to who should be opening for who.