Angie Tribeca


Trakanon Raider
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: Angie Tribeca

Genre: Comedy

First aired: 2016-01-17

Creator: Nancy Carell, Steve Carell

Cast: Rashida Jones, Hayes MacArthur, Jere Burns, Deon Cole, Andree Vermeulen

Overview: Lone-wolf detective Angie Tribeca and a squad of committed LAPD detectives investigate the most serious cases, from the murder of a ventriloquist to a rash of baker suicides.
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Trakanon Raider
If you aren't watching this show, you're missing out. Easily one of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time. It's basically just a new version of the old Police Squad show, but that's a good thing.


Ssraeszha Raider
This show is hilarious, and I totally agree with the comparison to Police Squad (and movies like Naked Gun and Airplane). Same type of humor, and they nail it. Why did this brand of silly comedy seem to disappear for the last two decades?


Trakanon Raider
Only caught one episode so far, but yeah, it's really nailing the whole Naked Gun vibe. The shit with the dog fucking kills me, in particular.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Honestly had no idea TBS was even still a network producing original content. Figured they just showed reruns of Fresh Prince, Murder She Wrote, and Law and Order mothership.


Potato del Grande
Ya watched this during their marathon. Really funny show and they get some great cameos. The ventriloquist episode was hilarious.


Log Wizard
This show is hilarious, and I totally agree with the comparison to Police Squad (and movies like Naked Gun and Airplane). Same type of humor, and they nail it. Why did this brand of silly comedy seem to disappear for the last two decades?
Because of the shit ton of shitty reality tv we have had to endure


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
My wife asked if it was done by the same people who did naked gun. I guess she hadn't realized how Steve and Nancy Carel's names were all over it.

Anyway, I'm bummed that I missed the marathon. Now I have to watch it one at a time like the plebes. One question for anyone who did catch it. The marathon was really 25 hours of 30 minute shows? So they've already got 50 episodes?


Trakanon Raider
They ran the whole season more then once. I tried to DVR it, but the guide had the episodes numbered wrong, so it confused the shit out of my DVR. They had the episodes numbered 16-24 running multiple times, and none of the early episodes, which wasn't right, but the DVR thought it was. So, I'm holding off on watching it all till I can figure out which ones I actually have record. I did catch a few during the marathon and thought it was pretty funny, though.


Ssraeszha Raider
My wife asked if it was done by the same people who did naked gun. I guess she hadn't realized how Steve and Nancy Carel's names were all over it.

Anyway, I'm bummed that I missed the marathon. Now I have to watch it one at a time like the plebes. One question for anyone who did catch it. The marathon was really 25 hours of 30 minute shows? So they've already got 50 episodes?
Whole season is available On Demand if you're (un)fortunate enough to be an Xfinity subscriber.


FPS noob
Season is 10 episodes total, 30 minutes each (20-21 mins w/o commercials). I'm only 5 episodes in but its hilarious, I didn't think I would like it since I honestly thought it was gonna be another "lets remake old stuff with women/minorities" but its great. Rashida Jones is more or less used as a straight man (woman) so she doesn't have to carry the show, the supporting cast is great and the writing totally nails that Airplane / Police Squad / etc vibe.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only 2 episodes in but on board with everyone else.

As for why this humor went away, because Scary Movie was a hit. And the worse those got while still making money the lower the bar was for this sort of humor. So there was no reason for the next generation of of Zucker/Abrams tier writers/directors to really show up. Instead the bar was so low that we got Friedberg/Seltzer joints.

I get the impression that making comedy like this really work is very hard without it veering in to that ridiculously bad "EVERYTHING RANDOM IS HILARIOUS!!!!!" realm.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I caught 1.5 episodes. The .5 did not make me laugh at all and felt like it was trying way to hard. The tiny apartment one was pretty funny however. So I am a bit conflicted on this show still.


Trakanon Raider
I caught 1.5 episodes. The .5 did not make me laugh at all and felt like it was trying way to hard. The tiny apartment one was pretty funny however. So I am a bit conflicted on this show still.
Give it a chance. They're not all home runs, but when the show is funny, it's fucking hilarious.


Ssraeszha Raider
Only 2 episodes in but on board with everyone else.

As for why this humor went away, because Scary Movie was a hit. And the worse those got while still making money the lower the bar was for this sort of humor.
Good point. I had forgotten that they did continue to make this type of movie, they just failed to make them good. Wasn't there like a parody "date" movie that was shit, and also a parody of 300 that was shit?

Think you're right that this type of comedy is hard to pull off.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
This show is great! Love Rashida Jones. Some excellent cameos as well.


Good point. I had forgotten that they did continue to make this type of movie, they just failed to make them good. Wasn't there like a parody "date" movie that was shit, and also a parody of 300 that was shit?

Think you're right that this type of comedy is hard to pull off.
The old school Airplane, Naked Gun, and the like relied on funny/silly ass gags. Starting with Scary Movie they got lazy and only relied on pop culture references with a silly twist. Main problem is the laziness.

As for AT, it's a good show, but it went flat after the first two episodes. The first two had me rolling, then not so much. The dog laughing/smiling got me every time they did it, but then they stopped doing it. Maybe I would have liked it more if I didn't binge watch it.

Anyone else thing the black detective is super boring, his only special quirk is having black skin. If he were white he would be totally useless. Even OJ in Naked Gun had more of a personality.
TV show information provided by The Movie Database