I recommend reading the books, especially if you *enjoyed* the weird kind of sci-fi that was in the last half hour of Interstellar or so. I enjoyed them a lot.
There is a lot of the focus on the alien landscape (Area X) as a sort of character. Was cancer really a main plot point in the movie?
Spoilers for the book series:
If I remember correctly, the folks who got cancer were really just clones that "Area X" sent back outside of the shimmer, with the real people either dying in Area X and/or mutating to become part of into the Area X flora/fauna in insane ways.
My understanding at the end of the series (read it several months ago) is that Area X was the site of incursion from a shard of.. something from an alien civilization. Regardless of what it is, it's unable to communicate with humanity and begins to change the fundamental laws of our own universe (invasively-so), starting with ground zero where there is very significant time dilation and, especially for those who came in direct contact with it, extreme unnatural biological change.
I don't believe there was a specific answer as far as what the "shard of something" is. I'm split between it being a literal incursion of another Universe into our own, part of a Lovecraftian "god", or something like a nanomachine-cloud AI which invades worlds, clones the people to infiltrate the societies, and terraforms the word & it's physics to be good for our new alien overlords.
I'm still enjoying thinking about it, it's interesting to me in a lot of the same ways as the Zohar from Xenogears/blade is.
I recommend reading the books, especially if you *enjoyed* the weird kind of sci-fi that was in the last half hour of Interstellar or so. I enjoyed them a lot.
There is a lot of the focus on the alien landscape (Area X) as a sort of character. Was cancer really a main plot point in the movie?
Spoilers for the book series:
If I remember correctly, the folks who got cancer were really just clones that "Area X" sent back outside of the shimmer, with the real people either dying in Area X and/or mutating to become part of into the Area X flora/fauna in insane ways.
My understanding at the end of the series (read it several months ago) is that Area X was the site of incursion from a shard of.. something from an alien civilization. Regardless of what it is, it's unable to communicate with humanity and begins to change the fundamental laws of our own universe (invasively-so), starting with ground zero where there is very significant time dilation and, especially for those who came in direct contact with it, extreme unnatural biological change.
I don't believe there was a specific answer as far as what the "shard of something" is. I'm split between it being a literal incursion of another Universe into our own, part of a Lovecraftian "god", or something like a nanomachine-cloud AI which invades worlds, clones the people to infiltrate the societies, and terraforms the word & it's physics to be good for our new alien overlords.
I'm still enjoying thinking about it, it's interesting to me in a lot of the same ways as the Zohar from Xenogears/blade is.
got around to this finally.All female team takes on an unknown phenomenon. Every single one of them dies, except the lead character who apparently, probably dooming the human race and all life on earth. Sounds about right.allows the phenomenon to escape
Seriously though, I really enjoyed some aspects of this, overall I'm going 6/10. Not worth a rewatch but I dont regret the time spent watching a download. Worst part for me was the end. My reading of the movie is
Lena and Kane are both dead, their places taken by WTFever weird creatures the phenomenon built to impersonate them. They've escaped the boundaries of the phenomenon, so I infer this is game over for the human race and really for all life on earth.
But not-really-Kane has been out of the area since one of the first scenes of the movie. So its been game over since he escaped. So this entire movie is a bunch of nothing -- ineffectual actions taken against the phenomenon long after its already beat the humans, and no one seems to realize it.
got around to this finally.
I think we are past spoilers, so won't bother.
honestly, humanity was fucked in this one from the moment the aliens invaded.
The cancer allusions. The shimmer/invasion was cancer, and slowing spreading. the clones were cancer cells mimicing native cells to avoid anti-bodies and spreading. honestly if anything there needed to be a scene with new shimmer locations appearing worldwide.
While movie is def just depressing. As noted, the whole theme is suicidal self destruction, and the hopelessness of world ending(literal, and personal) cancer. the message is, there is no hope with cancer. It will destroy you and everything you love. There isn't even a message of coping with it, inevitable death or loss. nope. just "best just kill yourself."