Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Coke. i'd drink water before I drank pepsi.

Is it healthy for your best friends to be people you only know online?


Silver Knight of the Realm
No, You screw yourself by masturbating. I thought we all had this figured out by now.

Why 11?
Because 12 is a faggot.
How do you think the new star wars movies will be?
I love how no one wants to touch this question, so I guess I'll have a go at it and suffer the negs.

I honestly think they're going to be good. Disney knows what is at stake and they know the serious backlash they could suffer if they try to get cute with the franchise. They need only reference the backlash received from Ep. I-III to remind them of how elitist the Star Wars fanbase really is. With that being said I look forward to the Han Solo and Boba Fett side stories movies and there is just so much left that they can expand on that if done right it has the potential to redefine the franchise for the better.

If you could cum anywhere on a girl where would it be and if it could be anyone, who would it be? (double question, I know, sorry)


Golden Knight of the Realm
I do love coming deep in a girl's throat. I like my wife's, but if I get to pick someone, I'll take a professional, like Kayden Cross.

How much do you make per year?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't. It's very relative to where you live.

If Bonch offered to double your annual income at the cost of giving him 1 bj a week, would you?


Don't really have a view on it. I don't drive a 5,7 liter pick-up truck, I recycle and seperate trash and watch my consumption, think that's about it.
Not alot more you can do besides turning into a greenpeace fanatic.

For the rest of your life: smoke 1 joint a day, coke once a week or XTC once every 2 months? (it's free!)


Irenicus did nothing wrong
For the rest of your life: smoke 1 joint a day, coke once a week or XTC once every 2 months? (it's free!)
The MDMA, no question. Always found weed kinda boring and not that into straight uppers anymore (especially coke, which is basically a ticket to heart attack city).

Other than pure water or hard liquor, you're only allowed to consume one drink for the rest of your life, what do you choose?


Oral Sex.

Cheese Danish? Cheesecake? Steak'n'Cheese? Pizza? Stromboli? Not even mentioning just a nice sharp cheddar and some diced summer sausage. No contest.

Would you save the life of your pet over the child of a stranger?


Irenicus did nothing wrong

What's the minimum amount of money for which you would be willing to go next door and kill your neighbor's beloved pet dog/cat with your own bare hands, while they watch on, assuming you can never be prosecuted for the crime?


Riddle me this...
99 cents because they have to have the worlds most annoying dog that they treat like a human child. Fucking thing tries to dig under my fence and when he gets to my yard I don't think I will stop my dogs from chewing chunks out of his ass.

You have the ability to change one thing in the past, what would it be?