Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Bronze Squire
Chemo bald, no question.

One mediocre night of sex with your most desirable object of affection, or 5 days and nights of better than average sex with Rosie O'Donnell. And she's bitching the whole time about you being a dude.


Avatar of War Slayer
Considering every night is mediocre sex with my flesh light, how often can you say you banged Rosie O'Donnel? I would have her recite lines from A League of Their Own while I rounded the bases on that man like body. And 5 days of that? I couldn't ask for more.

If you had one month to spend 40 million dollars ala Brewster's Millions and nothing to show for it when you're done or you got $40,000 to keep forever, which would you take?


At 400k to keep, I would have given it a long consideration. At 40k, it's a no brainer to me: I spend 40 millions in a month. That probably requires some planning though, because it's a lot of money and little time to only spend on services and consumables (assuming you cannot make donations or spend it on people around you).

You have a magic ticket for instant travel and a free meal to any restaurant in the world. Where do you go?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
It died the day the Simpsons ceased being funny.

If Bill Gates were to offer you a portion of his fortune in exchange for you giving him a blowjob, and swallowing, what is the minimum amount you would demand if no one else were to ever know about it?

What about if it were broadcast live on TV and your name and face were to be plastered all over the media for weeks and months?

Edit: I think I must have killed this thread lol


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
It's probably because you asked for the minimum, and most of these whores have worked themselves down to 25 cents and are still considering it. So I'm just going to answer with a number I'm pretty sure i'd do it for. 1 Billion US dollars. There would be various conditions attached, like STD testing, assurances that the funds were being transferred, a shower, waivers signed, and I would absolutely not be sober (hence the need for the waiver). To get me on TV, I'd take the same amount but his wife would have to be blowing me at the same time and swallowing. He's got a hot wife right? I'm just assuming here, if she's not hot then some other hottie. I'm sure he has some goddesses working for him that would do fine. Oh and bill needs a gimp suit

I guess there are no girls or gays reading this thread, cause they would have already piped up with something like "20 shares of microsoft".

What are you most thankful for?


Trakanon Raider
I am most thankful for the realization in my personal life that I have more time to live and let things evolve the way they will without trying to control them than I ever thought possible. This reflection is of utmost importance to myself and my daily life. This, and the love of my friends and family, many of my friends who are like family. Nothing but profound appreciation.

What is the biggest risk you've ever taken in your life, and what occurred as a result?

9th Otaku_sl

It's probably because you asked for the minimum, and most of these whores have worked themselves down to 25 cents and are still considering it. So I'm just going to answer with a number I'm pretty sure i'd do it for. 1 Billion US dollars. There would be various conditions attached, like STD testing, assurances that the funds were being transferred, a shower, waivers signed, and I would absolutely not be sober (hence the need for the waiver). To get me on TV, I'd take the same amount but his wife would have to be blowing me at the same time and swallowing. He's got a hot wife right? I'm just assuming here, if she's not hot then some other hottie. I'm sure he has some goddesses working for him that would do fine. Oh and bill needs a gimp suit

I guess there are no girls or gays reading this thread, cause they would have already piped up with something like "20 shares of microsoft".

What are you most thankful for?
In this economy? That I still have a job.

Damn, eXarc beat me to the punch; Um... Probably getting married... the result was I got divorced within 3 years because she cheated, the whore....

Choose one; Congressional pay raises can only be approved via national amendment (people's majority), or adding a "None-of-the-above" option on the ballots which, if it wins, a new election for that position must be held with brand new candidates.


Potato del Grande
Sucks. I found out my old ex was a whore while we were still just engaged so I didn't have to deal with divorce.

As for my choice, pay raises for congress.

Would you prefer if someone you cared about just disappeared without a word never to be seen/heard from again, or wake up to a suicide note?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just disappeared. Suicide is never the answer.

Your best friend asked you to watch his 2 year old dog for the weekend because he had to go on a business trip. You have a dog that's getting really old and probably will only live another year or two. Over the weekend your house catches on fire and you can only save one of the dogs. Do you choose your dog that you've been friends with for the past X number of years yet might not live much longer or do you choose to save your friends young healthy dog?


Riddle me this...
Save the 2 year old dog. I would miss my dog horribly but I would never forgive myself if I let my friends dog die after being trusted with it.

Which holiday is more important to your family, Thanksgiving or Christmas?


Save the 2 year old dog. I would miss my dog horribly but I would never forgive myself if I let my friends dog die after being trusted with it.

Which holiday is more important to your family, Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Thanksgiving, it seems more about getting together, where as Christmas has this horrible obligation feeling, and it's not even about gifts. I'm 34, it's been about 2 decades since I expected anyone other than my parents to give me any gifts. And like all adults if you hook me up with socks, boxers, a new pair of boots, and a $100 bill I'm happy as shit.

On a directly similar note, at what age we're you when realized that getting basic essential stuff, such as socks, was WAY more awesome than getting flashy shit?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm 39 and I'm still not there. I fucking hate when people try to buy me clothes. Even if they get the size right, it's probably made of some material that I hate, or is something I just don't have a reason to wear. And when it comes to socks, when I need them, I go buy them, and I buy them in the right size (wut socks come in sizes? yes and if you don't know that stop buying socks for other people immediately)

When do you think your next sexual encounter will be, who it will be with, etc. Give any details you feel like you can predict.

Sgt A. Capwn_sl

I'm 170% sure it's going to be the hostess from the semi-swanky restaurant I had lunch at on Tuesday. We rolled up in there after responding to a call at the building next to the one we ate in but turned out to be nothing so we decided to have lunch since it was that time and we were already there and hungry (plus, the manager had a boner for firefighters and gave us a 20% discount). Well this hostess just turned 21, I'm 26 so it's a decent enough spread in age and she loves firemen also, and she told me she was eyeing me the whole time we were there. I'm about 97% sure she's hiding a coke problem, but who cares...I love cocaine.

Would you let a guy blow you for $1,000,000? I would, if you say you wouldn't, you're a liar. That'll pay off my house, score me a Shelby version of a Ford Raptor, and allow me to take off work for a month so I can go on a coke binge with the aforementioned hostess.
I'm 170% sure it's going to be the hostess from the semi-swanky restaurant I had lunch at on Tuesday. We rolled up in there after responding to a call at the building next to the one we ate in but turned out to be nothing so we decided to have lunch since it was that time and we were already there and hungry (plus, the manager had a boner for firefighters and gave us a 20% discount). Well this hostess just turned 21, I'm 26 so it's a decent enough spread in age and she loves firemen also, and she told me she was eyeing me the whole time we were there. I'm about 97% sure she's hiding a coke problem, but who cares...I love cocaine.

Would you let a guy blow you for $1,000,000? I would, if you say you wouldn't, you're a liar. That'll pay off my house, score me a Shelby version of a Ford Raptor, and allow me to take off work for a month so I can go on a coke binge with the aforementioned hostess.
Yeah I'd let you blow me for 1,000,000. You do sound like someone who has nice girly hands.

Do you have 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm a single, white male in a steady job with good health so I have no problems.

Fedor, Lumie, Johnny49: Kill one, fuck on marry one.


I'm a single, white male in a steady job with good health so I have no problems.

Fedor, Lumie, Johnny49: Kill one, fuck on marry one.
Would have to kill Johnny49 because I dont want aids. This leaves me only the option to fuck lumie, even though I'd like to kill him. Marrying fedor is the obvious choice.

Is Kentucky a northern or southern state?


Vyemm Raider
Would have to kill Johnny49 because I dont want aids. This leaves me only the option to fuck lumie, even though I'd like to kill him. Marrying fedor is the obvious choice.

Is Kentucky a northern or southern state?
Kentucky is a relativistic state, in regards to it's regional and cultural identity. It's position on this spectrum is determined by the location of the observer. The further north the observer, the more southern Kentucky appears. The deeper south the observer goes, the more northern Kentucky seems. As with most things, the opinions of the people actually living in Kentucky do not matter.

Lets say through some improbable and impossible psuedo-science your current consciousness were to be teleported back in time to your body when you were 10 years old. Essentially making it so, you now know then, what you know now. What would you do?


Kentucky is a relativistic state, in regards to it's regional and cultural identity. It's position on this spectrum is determined by the location of the observer. The further north the observer, the more southern Kentucky appears. The deeper south the observer goes, the more northern Kentucky seems. As with most things, the opinions of the people actually living in Kentucky do not matter.

Lets say through some improbable and impossible psuedo-science your current consciousness were to be teleported back in time to your body when you were 10 years old. Essentially making it so, you now know then, what you know now. What would you do?
Dude that is the best question ever, because we ALL have asked it. I would forgo all joy, fucking around, etc. I would be all business until EVERYTHING was mine for the asking, through school, the right jobs, every decision would be the right one.

That said, it's a lazy answer because if I knew everything I know now, I would just invest in all the companies that are now hemorrhaging money , and wouldn't have to try at all. By the age of 18 it would be whores and coke 24/7, for life.

Along the same lines for my question: What is the biggest mistake of your life, the one and only one moment you would change?


Leaving the institute of technology I was a student at because most my friends failed their first year and I suddenly felt anxious about getting stuck in a career I was not passionate about. The big mistake was not understanding that getting a paper is a key, not a cage, so I should have toughen up for three years and after that I would still have all the time in the world to explore more precarious ventures (with the confidence and security provided by a nice piece of paper that says that my brain works).

For something more lighthearted: What two sports would you mix to create a new sport?