Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
No. That's a pretty high cost to achieve something I believe we'll eventually get to anyways. And a pretty high chance that I wouldn't get to know or experience any of the advancements too. The space travel can wait.

If someone challenged you on FB to do something stupid... say jump into an ice-cold lake in the middle of March, would you feel obligated?
No, because I'm not a 14 year old girl.

Spicy sausages, sweet sausages, or breakfast sausages?


I guess it depends which country they originate from. Mutts of course speak only English.

How tall was Jesus? (From the bible not Puerto Rico)


People in that fictitious time were shorter right? so like 5 feet is my guess.

If you hear a grown ass man yelling at his kids while they scream-cry and think you can hear them being hit, but find out, after definitely not pressing your ear to the wall to hear better what's going on, that they're just not getting in the bath and he's slamming the door... Do you call the police?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
No, cos fuck 'em.

You're offered a choice of living the life of luxury from now til the time you die. You get to live in a mansion, have first rate medical care, have sex with models, eat the finest foods, travel the world and all that jazz. But there's a catch.Younever choose anything. You have absolutely no control over your life. Everything, down to when you wake up to when you go to bed is chosen for you. Those models you can have sex with, you don't get to choose who it is, when it is or how often. Feel like a burger? Tough luck you'll have the $200 salmon salad. Want to stay home, tough luck, you're about to leave for a 2 week luxury cruise of Polynesia. If you decide you want out or are too unruly you end up with a bullet to the head. But, if you don't mind having no choice you do get the luxury life most likely well into your very old age. Do you accept or is your freedom too important for you?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>


No, cos fuck 'em.

You're offered a choice of living the life of luxury from now til the time you die. You get to live in a mansion, have first rate medical care, have sex with models, eat the finest foods, travel the world and all that jazz. But there's a catch.Younever choose anything. You have absolutely no control over your life. Everything, down to when you wake up to when you go to bed is chosen for you. Those models you can have sex with, you don't get to choose who it is, when it is or how often. Feel like a burger? Tough luck you'll have the $200 salmon salad. Want to stay home, tough luck, you're about to leave for a 2 week luxury cruise of Polynesia. If you decide you want out or are too unruly you end up with a bullet to the head. But, if you don't mind having no choice you do get the luxury life most likely well into your very old age. Do you accept or is your freedom too important for you?
hell ya , where do i sign ?

One way trip too mars , do you get onboard or chimp out at the last minute and run ?


What is the biggest check you've ever been given to cash for yourself?[/QUOTE]


Who is your oldest dream chick, the one that you've dreamed of banging/marrying the longest?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Raquel welch. There actually was another woman before her, but I don't remember her name, she was just a blonde 40 yr old playboy centerfold.

Explain something that you have figured out and think most of us don't.


Golden Knight of the Realm
That almost all societal and economic problems can be traced back to overpopulation. If folks didn't have 3 kids at 18, then those kids have 3 kids at 18, we wouldn't have 3+ generations in the workplace. We also wouldn't need to produce/consume as much, and most social assistance programs wouldn't be as strained as they currently are. Anything more than 2 kids is excessive.

What's your favorite whiskey?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Yes, but in the lovable way, not the "I'm going to stalk you and then cut out your eyes for my necklace" weird.

If you could change into any animal you wish for 24 hours what animal would you be? Oh, and if you were killed in animal form you'd just revert back to being a human again, so no risk involved.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'd change into a wasp, and sting the fuck out of my neighbour for being an inconsiderate little bitch.

Is everyone who uses an Apple Mac gay? Or just most of them?


I believe the gay community for the most part found a single product line to identify with. This is not a bad thing at all and certainly not for apple. Not everyone is gay for using a mac and I'm sure the gay community is in the minority for it. I swing both ways on mac and pc use but that doesn't make me ac/dc.....

Is it just me or does anyone else also think that more intelligent people should be leaders of this world of ours?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
To answer your question with a quote from somewhere: Imagine the intelligence of the average person. Now remember that half the people out there are dumber than him. So, yes. I agree with you.

On a similar note: seeing as we have no qualms with breeding animals to increase certain qualities we desire, and killing those with unwanted traits, is eugenics really such a bad thing?