Kang is marvel's version of booster gold. No powers just a time traveler with basic tech you can find at your local 7/11 in 3000AD ie technology makes him more powerful than anything else known to gods and men... infinity stones? Cosmic forces? Reality altering Multiversal powers? That shit is nothing compared to the power of the iphone 427 circa 3012. "Sufficiently advanced technology is no different than magic" is ok i guess to explain away certain powers or plot points but having it trump gods and deities or actual powers/magic, shit is gay and always has been fucking gay.
At least wtih DC Booster Gold is a fucking joke, cant believe mcu thought it a compelling enough villian to build a 10 year, 3 fucking phase movie roadmap on.
Of course their lynchpin actor they based everything on turned out to fulfill the stereotype for his people and goes down before they even really got started.
Anyway long way round just to say "dont worry about having to watch loki to know whats going on," at this point i dont even know if feige knows whats going on and they'll certainly need to pivot, at least to a new actor if not a new story, which means they'll probably have to properly explain it in an actual movie in the future.