Ant Man. July 2015


Trakanon Raider
With Thanos, I'm pretty sure they'll have a movie where he "wins" at the Empire Strikes Back moment to really show his power. I can't imagine them pushing him in the background this whole time just to have him rise and fall in 150 minutes.


Trakanon Raider
As for Ant-Man, going to see it tonight. When I asked my girlfriend where she wanted to eat before the movie, she responded with "Like the rest of the world, I'd forgotten about Ant-Man." :/
Going in with lower expectations than I had going into Guardians, but every Marvel Studios movie is an opening weekend event for me until they start putting out crap.


Trakanon Raider
With Thanos, I'm pretty sure they'll have a movie where he "wins" at the Empire Strikes Back moment to really show his power. I can't imagine them pushing him in the background this whole time just to have him rise and fall in 150 minutes.
Figured that is what they will do with next two Avengers movies split like that.


Vyemm Raider
I don?t know, I think it?s only been recently with the advent of the Marvel Universe that many of the villains seem paper-thin. Previously in many of the stand-alone movies, before the idea of a Marvel or DC Universe, the villains were fairly decent. Below are the villains I think were much more than paper thin. My only problem was with Heath Ledger?s Joker who, was such a great character, he completely overshadowed Christian Bale?s Batman, in my opinion.

Superman II ? Zod
Batman ? The Joker (Jack Nicholson)
Batman Returns - Catwoman
X-Men ? Magneto
Spider-Man 2 ? Doc Ock
X-Men 2 ? Col. Stryker
The Dark Knight ? The Joker (Heath Ledger)

Since then the only really great villain, most people agree on, is Loki. Other than that, the villains really aren?t that interesting. Zod wasn?t bad and I think the Red Skull was better than most people think but we really aren?t given much meat about a villain. I actually thought ASM 2?s Green Goblin was probably the best villain of ASM or ASM 2 and was way better than Electro.

The Marvel Universe really does lack villains these days with truly good stories and depth.
We need Fantastic Four to bomb so either the rights will go back to Marvel or Fox will be willing to make a deal. Getting Doom as a villain would be nice, as long as they don't waste the opportunity and throw him away.

At the end of the movie the heroes unknowingly stop a sophisticated Doombot/Life Model Decoy. The post credits scene is Doom in Latveria walking down a castle hallway. At the end he opens a reinforced door with Ultron's wrecked vibranium body in it. "So, this is Ultron." A familiar voice says from the shadows. Doom replies, "Yes, Loki. Fulfill your end of the bargain, and I will take care of mine." (Or something like that since Doom doesn't bend his knee to anyone).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Even if F4 bombed so hard that Fox said fuck it, it would still take a couple years for the IP to end up back with Marvel, and a few more years after that before they could reasonably be expected to shoehorn Doom (or any other F4 character) into the MCU.

So don't get your hopes up.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, they attach good actors, good character actors even, to the villains and then do very little with them. Two that stand out in that list to me are Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) and Stryker (Brian Cox). They really added weight to the performances, Ock because you see the full transition and Stryker because you can feel from the outset that he's driven and does what he does with a purpose, which we learn why later on. The Marvel villains, barring Loki, are justthereand you could have a paper cardboard stand-in for the most part.
I feel like many people forget just how awesome Doc Ock was in that movie.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like many people forget just how awesome Doc Ock was in that movie.
I feel like many people forget just how awesome Spider-Man 2 was, period.

As for villains, I had some hopes they'd do something worthwhile with the Mandarin, just based on him getting a bit of build up. I know fuckall about the actual character from comics beyond wiki type stuff. But with the fake Mandarin in IM3 and the Hail to the King one shot short movie thing revealing that he's real...somewhere...and has some power I thought they might be building up a real big bad. But IM4 is not on the schedule yet and RDJ has said it will and won't happen. Don't think Mandarin would fit in the Civil War movie, but I guess it's possible.


I misted up during the train scene when Spider-Man loses his mask and the people give it back to him. Grown ass man in the theater blinking away potential tears.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
With Thanos, I'm pretty sure they'll have a movie where he "wins" at the Empire Strikes Back moment to really show his power. I can't imagine them pushing him in the background this whole time just to have him rise and fall in 150 minutes.
I am surprised you feel that way after Avengers 2. At this point with how bad Whedon fucked that one up it would not surprise me to see all the Nebula stuff dumped and have squirrel girl take him out in the last five minutes of the movie.

I agree most modern Marvel movies have had weak villians (Redford being a major exception in Winter Soldier), but movies like GotG proved that you do not need them to make a movie awesome. If you are not doing major character interactions and development with your hero, then you do need a strong villain or you end up with a movie like IM2 or Green Lantern.


Log Wizard
Considering Infinity Wars is 2 films, yeah, I think it's safe to say that Thanos "wins" the first one versus the new Avengers and then the old Avengers have to show up and help take him down.


Life's a Dream
Sitting in the theater now waiting for the movie to start (15 min).
They aren't doing a poster for first view this time. Instead it's a 3.5x7 plastic lithograph type thing.



Life's a Dream
Yes and no. So yeah, that movie was awesome. There were definitely some "what the?" moments, but overall it's definitely an A+. Marvel continues to dominate.

The spoiler is hiding the 2nd "after credits" scene that wasn't discussed a few posts ago. I saw it in Imax 3D, but I don't think this scene was done 3D and came out decently well on my phone.
EDIT: I removed the straight youtube video because the frozen image was a spoiler also.


Riddle me this...
Great movie, more Guardians of the Galaxy light hearted than Avengers serious.
The best part (for me) was the fight with the Falcon


Trakanon Raider
Ant-Man was really good...I feel like it was a bit of a cross between the first Iron Man story with a bit of the Guardians of the Galaxy humor. While I would place it slightly behind both of those, it's a strong movie that anyone could watch without knowing anything about the rest of the Marvel movies. Girlfriend liked it, too, which was a nice bonus.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I am surprised you feel that way after Avengers 2. At this point with how bad Whedon fucked that one up it would not surprise me to see all the Nebula stuff dumped and have squirrel girl take him out in the last five minutes of the movie.

I agree most modern Marvel movies have had weak villians (Redford being a major exception in Winter Soldier), but movies like GotG proved that you do not need them to make a movie awesome. If you are not doing major character interactions and development with your hero, then you do need a strong villain or you end up with a movie like IM2 or Green Lantern.
It's weird. Marvel has terrible villians. (Except Loki) but good lord, cap 2 nailed the villians. Pierce and winter soldier were awesome


Lord Nagafen Raider
Movie was very good all around, had doubts going in with a few parts feeling a bit rushed but overall was great. His crew was the highlight for me in the film