Do you promise you wont cum all over yourself?
And I need to see the original ASCO.JPG pic! The infamous sexy grandmother.
I got you covered~
NSFL --->
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Do you promise you wont cum all over yourself?
And I need to see the original ASCO.JPG pic! The infamous sexy grandmother.
Whyyyy did I click holy shit that was bad
Whyyyy did I click holy shit that was bad
Vanessa, you were the one to bring us back the Shelly pic. And now that old lady / walking dead image.
Did you have these images saved somewhere?
Why? Why?
Vanessa wow - how on earth do you still have that? That's amazing! Did you used to go by a different name? Traffic Lights?
Just explained how Yes, I'm a tranny and had a different username 15 years ago. No I wasn't Traffic Lights... if that was even a user?
I hope life is treating you well Aych!
What's the backstory on this creature you guys call "Shelly"?
You forgot the part where she made a post complaining about him wanting to drink her period blood due to the vampire thing, and she didnt want to let him.She and some poor guy, both on disability due to psych reasons, were living in a trailer. He thought he was a genius because he wired a solar panel to a battery and a lightbulb. He thought she was a genius because she could "do algebra" in her head. There was something about they both read these forums where people like them thought they were "energy vampires" and could do magical things. He was in love with her, but she wasn't as badly in love with him. And he thought she was hot so posted her pics. And she came here and they fought openly here. It was the weirdest thing that's probably ever happened here.
It was the weirdest thing that's probably ever happened here.