Anyone work in the jewelry business?


> Than U
Couple years ago I did demo of a jewelry store that had been in business( with no major remodels ) since the 1800s. The owner told me to keep the debris I was cleaning up and send it off to a refinery and I could have anywhere from $500-2000 or more in various materials from the decades and decades of polishing/shaving and I did, filtered it and got it down to 2 6 quart containers of dust. I can see the gold/silver/platinum shavings in the dust.

Sadly I over time have contacted several refineries and never received a reply. I need to know one that does this. I know one they used was in New York, but I lost the address way back after I completed the job.
The best people to ask of course are jewelers since they send stuff off monthly for this purpose.


Tranny Chaser
I don't know anything about the jewelry side of things but I have a friend in the dental industry that recycles all the dust and particles left behind in the fabrication process for crowns and things. If you don't have any luck finding a place to unload the stuff at looking through jewelry circles you can try dental ones.


> Than U
Ya the dental ones use the same refineries. See if you can find out where he sends all his scraps. I've had this stuff packed and boxed ready to ship for 20 months now. Time I sent it off, if I get something great, if not still great I am not looking at it anymore.