Apple TV+ didnt start about profits, its a branding and "think 20 years in the future" thing. Thats why most of their shows are aspirational and lean sci fi, they want you to associate the Apple brand with high minded future ideas and get younger folks thinking of the Apple brand as something that can do everything for you. You buy an apple phone, an apple laptop, apple headphones, Apple car, and you use them to listen to Apple Music, watch shows on Apple TV, eat Apple bugs fake meat, and jerk off to Apple Porn
Amazon is a bit similar too. Both companies could stop their streaming tomorrow and it would not affect their business in any way, whereas Disney, HBO, Paramount, Netflix, Peacock, etc have entertainment as their core business and must figure out how to make money with it.
those ideas are fading now though as interest free loans/govt handouts have vanished and Wall Street is demanding profit over future dreams. DEI stuff is vanishing, streaming is being cut to the bone, we'll soon see reality TV increase as its way cheaper to make