My 45g under 600w metal halid. Top rock was covered in a green mushroom coral.
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Livestock including the coral? Cuz those green polyps alone would fetch a very nice penny where I live for just a small frag. The rest is basic stuff, but it at least looks like a very healthy tank. A couple hour drive would be pretty rough on the fish, not so much the coral, assuming you can keep the water flowing during transport.RedSea Max E260
Might buy this, it’s a couple hours away though.
Could just tell him to sell off the livestock.
I have been looking at Red Sea and their AIO solutions for a while and if I don’t buy this one then a new one is on the eventual purchase list.
Yeah I just don’t expect that I can move 70 gallons of water and all the livestock safely. Because remember that I am not driving two hours to then toss it into an established tank.Livestock including the coral? Cuz those green polyps alone would fetch a very nice penny where I live for just a small frag. The rest is basic stuff, but it at least looks like a very healthy tank. A couple hour drive would be pretty rough on the fish, not so much the coral, assuming you can keep the water flowing during transport.
RedSea Max E260
Might buy this, it’s a couple hours away though.
Could just tell him to sell off the livestock.
I have been looking at Red Sea and their AIO solutions for a while and if I don’t buy this one then a new one is on the eventual purchase list.
imho half the fun is researching, assembling, looking for livestock online, and slowly growing your tank into a customized masterpiece. Red Sea is a good AIO brand, but if you know what you're doing you can build yourself something better and cheaper through individual components. If you really want the tank I'd buy the hardware and pass on the livestock, not just because half the fun is populating your own tank, but like you pointed out you can't haul 70g of water. NEVER leave your livestock at a LFS unless they can stick it all in a closed loop isolated system. Leaving your stuff at the LFS is a guaranteed way to pick up diseases-- I learnt the hard way. If it's a hardcore hole in the wall coral store where the owner is a coral obsessed weirdo, then it's safe. But any standard LFS that pushes fish/ generic coral is filled with diseases in my experience.
EDIT: If I was going to do it again, I'd go with this company's tanks. Just gorgeous. Also, taking a look at that Red Sea guy's livestock, I'd definitely pass-- nothing special at all, justs some leathers and generic Zoas it looks like. Nicest piece is the hammerhead
IFALOS™ aquariums
This was my reef tank about three years ago, a 50G Cadlights tank. Had it up for about 5 years before it finally crashed when I wasn’t paying enough attention to it because my mom was sick.
I miss the hobby a lot but boy it was definitely a time sink and a constant source of anxiety.
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I was the same...I had a 72 gallon reef tank. I bought my live rock online uncured. I cured it in my basement in garbage cans. The smell was something special. It was Tonga live rock? Dealt with cool critters. Glass anemones, gorilla crabs and bristle worms.
I did have a pistol shrimp who was a little bad ass. He only cane out at night but you could hear him cracking away at shit that messed with him
My tank crashed unfortunately. I moved into a new place and it was never the same. Fun, expensive and time consuming hobby.
Yeah it's a joy, guests are amazed, and a stylish tank makes your living room come alive, but there are those rare times where it will give you a heart attack. One day I remember waking up seeing my tank all cloudy, fish listless, and all the other corals closed. My pink pussy anemone had gotten sucked into my vortex powerhead which I had forgotten to re-wrap in its foam cover after cleaning. Had to cancel my entire day's plans as I ran to and from to the LFS to get gallons of salt water, a temporary holding tank, etc.
What fish do you have? What kind of lighting do you have? Are you prepared to invest about $250 in CO2 equipment and do you have a food grade local gas supplier? What size tank do you have? What substrate do you have? Pool sand, fine sand? Willing to dose chems or glut ($20/ga) daily?I want to get a bunch of plants growing to make the tank beautiful, but my fucker fish keep eating the plants I put in. Any suggestions?
What size tank and space do you have to place said tank? What's your water supply stats look like (TDS, hardness, Nitrate levels)? Do you have easy access to RO water or willing to plug one into your water supply? Do you have a water softener, and if so can you bypass it?Someone outline a tank build for reef around $2,500 for me!!
I was thinking 60-100G reef with soft corals like ricordea, zoa’s, mushroom, and blasto. Livestock would be things like a goby/shrimp pair, couple of ocellaris, anthias, chromis, and maybe 3 or 4 others. Maybe less fish but would evaluate. Mainly easy corals that spread well enough but don’t need a ton of dosing.What size tank and space do you have to place said tank? What's your water supply stats look like (TDS, hardness, Nitrate levels)? Do you have easy access to RO water or willing to plug one into your water supply? Do you have a water softener, and if so can you bypass it?
For fresh or salt, I've got a fuck ton of resources. And tips and tricks for maintaining. Wish I had the time to get into things to match the interest I had 20 years ago now that I have the funds to actually do so...