Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


Golden Squire
Depending on how far back he's talking, I'd be interested in seeing Luclin's Tower that was originally supposed to be the final zone of SoL. Or maybe adding that 8th floor in ToFS.

Added clearer map with more continents.
Thanks-- this is my new background-- Love the old maps


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
At least SoW boots had a brief moment of usage before the Run Speed AA's overshadowed them.
Jboots had a double usage, notably as a throwable buff in at least one raid (can't remember which) where you'd get a periodic AOE dispell.


Was the area by Zaza in Rathe that looked like it led to a Dungeon apart of the FA questline also then? Or was this eventually used for something? That was one of the coolest areas I found way back when, and nobody knew a damn clue about the area.


It's funny that a lot of the aura of the "unknown" and "mysterious" that drew people into EQ1 was basically unfinished/scrapped content.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's funny that a lot of the aura of the "unknown" and "mysterious" that drew people into EQ1 was basically unfinished/scrapped content.
Yep. I felt like the entire Rathe Mountains zone was one giant mystery full of unfinished content.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Kaubel should have escalated his ticket then. I had my coldain shawl eaten because someone who was KOS to dwarves went linkdead and killed the guy I had just given my pieces to. First two guides and then a GM told me I was shit outta luck. Fourth one apologized for the inconvenience here's your shit. While I'm sure some guides were awesome most were lazy shits. I had some stuff poof during a trade with a guildmate. The server refused to go over the logs and check. Three emails and a phone call to the head of CS later I had my stuff back. At the end of the day SoE was not some cheetoh eating nerd with a d20. It was a business and unless you had some ludicrous request or were an immense dick about it all you had to do was subtly inform them that your credit card would find something else to spend 10 bucks a month on.

I was in the guide program for like two weeks myself. Got kicked out when I promised some guild leader I'd get the GM to repop all of SSRA since his guild had planned on doing it that day but some other guild had beat them to it. I was like, "I know that feeling bro, brb I got your back." Clearly I was not cut out for that sort of work. Handed out rezes like candy as well. I had troubles saying no to people.


I'm not going to elaborate because this is dangerously close to turning into yet another design theory circlejerk but there's a middle ground between EQ's "stupidly broken, long and frustrating quests with typically awesome as fuck quest rewards" to WoW's "Painless and unremarkable quests with completely forgettable rewards" philosophy on quests. I think one thing we universally agreed upon is that when you do a quest and the reward is effectively the game just a handful of xp, some coin and an item you're going to vendor anyways it's hard to keep giving a shit.

Fewer quests with more personal involvement that end in a reward you give a shit about would be nice.
I should ask him how far he escalated it. As you know guides couldn't do anything but report players using the tool, log their petitions, and get free expansions. (Did we get a free sub too? I cannot remember anymore) What was hilarious was the only way you would verify if someone "died to a bug" was their corpse would be poofed to the predetermined safe point in the zone (Not a zone wall), which also happened to be the point a guide would spawn into when using the /zone command. So if I died and ever wanted a quick 100% res? I would just drag my corpse to the safe point and say I had no clue what happened. I died, crashed, logged back in, and my corpse isn't where I was. Woot.

There was a time though this little bastard of a player pissed me off. He was bugging the shit out of players in Unrest with training and Ksing and such... Being an overall dick and said there was nothing I could do about it so to basically shut my mouth. I summoned him to qeycat and bound him there. I received a complaint but our GM (Ozzmar at the time... who was a fantastic GM) told me not to worry about it and that the kid deserved it.

I also used to go hideme and row around that small row boat in OOT to keep the AC campers entertained. They would use see invis spells, run all over the place trying to figure out what was going on. Sometimes shouts would ensue, "GM EVENT!!!! HAUNTED BOAT!" And some other guy, "This place is like the fucking bermuda triangle. And the ancient cyclops disapeared too"

Good times.


Musty Nester
Camp rads. I know that the boss on the bottom floor of befallen had a camp rad. I know that from extensive camping. Not even his placeholder would pop if you were in the room, but if you went around the corner and looked into the room.. ding, 10 seconds later he popped.

I don't think anything else in the game actually had one and even that might have just been an instance of bad world geometry, but man that was one persistient ass myth.

Tbh, the magic of EQ is that we were a bunch of gullible fucks.


Tbh, the magic of EQ is that we were a bunch of gullible fucks.
Serpentine Bracer: AC: 1 DEX: +3 AGI: +9
Crafted Bracer: AC: 10 DEX: +2 INT: +2

Exactly, relaunch the game in 2013 or even 2006 and someone posts 20+ hour long parses wearing 2 of each of those bracers. Back in 1999-2000 someone would wear Serp Bracers or more likely have a pair for sale and swear up and down that 9agi 1dex was better than 9ac or vice versa if they had Crafted.

Back then hand-crafted items was flavor, in a modern parse heavy environment it would just be x is better than y, camp Evil Eyes or re-animated hand until you have 2.