

Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, it wasn't until the other day when they fucked up the patron thing that I figured out that my November expiration date wasn't an accident. Apparently we got an entire extra month of patron because of the launch issues. Would have been nice if they had actually mentioned that somewhere that I would have noticed.


Bronze Squire
I wonder if that includes stuff laundered through the AH. You're ostensibly buying the item from the AH and then the AH does some calculations for its cut, returning the listing fee and whatnot, before it goes to the seller in a mail. If the buyer bought the item using illicit funds, what then?
From what I gather they are going after the gold. Items not so much but any and all gold got from gold sellers/botters etc is being erased.

Let me add as well, it doesn't matter how you came in to the gold, even if it was legal, or you knew nothing about it being illegal, the gold will be gone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's too bad it only focuses on the 'gold' part of the hacking. Would be nice if it went after the land hacks too which would of freed up the land. It also doesn't seem like it affects things that were bought with this gold (like apex and workers comp).


Bronze Squire
I agree and I do believe that would be the work around. As long as you don't have the actual gold whatever else you do with it doesn't matter. If you bought items/apex/whatever those things are safe. My understanding anyway. I know they implemented a shorter distance for land grab and I would assume any of the illegally got ones will just fade out since they got banned so it will eventually be open. Guess it all depends how they want to go about it.


Golden Squire
Ran around a bunch yesterday doing various things. The bot problem seemed a bit more muted than it had been. Coming out of Falcorth I used to see a ton of bots at the Firehawks but yesterday there was just one. Some of the more egregious pack payouts that had previously been constantly below 100% were suddenly a bit more profitable as well.

So at least they're doing something.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
They have limited amount of control, but they do what they can.

I think taking away the gold is probably gonna be the thing that will have the most impact. If people know they'll lose the gold they buy, they "might" stop buying it. If that happens goldsellers and their bots might somewhat disapear as the game doesn't remain profitable for them.

I can hope anyways.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't hear anything about mass property becoming available with the bannings. So maybe it is still owned by the person being banned and they just won't be able to pay taxes. I wonder how much of this is talk vs reality. If someone with bad gold bought my land for 800 gold through a cert will all that really be taken away from me? I guess we will see if there are a ton of pissed off people that fall under that category. Most of my gold is from fishing, so at least I know that's safe.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't hear anything about mass property becoming available with the bannings. So maybe it is still owned by the person being banned and they just won't be able to pay taxes. I wonder how much of this is talk vs reality. If someone with bad gold bought my land for 800 gold through a cert will all that really be taken away from me? I guess we will see if there are a ton of pissed off people that fall under that category. Most of my gold is from fishing, so at least I know that's safe.
They said land will go through normal routine, ie for banned accounts it has to go through the timers to be demolished.


Bronze Squire
I didn't hear anything about mass property becoming available with the bannings. So maybe it is still owned by the person being banned and they just won't be able to pay taxes. I wonder how much of this is talk vs reality. If someone with bad gold bought my land for 800 gold through a cert will all that really be taken away from me? I guess we will see if there are a ton of pissed off people that fall under that category. Most of my gold is from fishing, so at least I know that's safe.
Right, as Cinge said I am not saying it disappeared instantly. It still will decay from not paying taxes then get demolished, just more land will open up as those people can no longer pay the taxes if their account was banned.

As far as I understand you are at risk of losing that 800 gold yes. That is what they reported. How this is panning out and if anybody has had this happened to them or there is some limited cap I have no idea.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After thought I think their move against "dirty" gold is actually smart. Of course it's kind of unfair, you're gonna sell a TS tree at some random wallet warrior and the next day you lose both 1 TS tree and ~1200g if the guy bought his gold from goldsellers. I mean IRL if someone gave you false currency and you got caught with it, no one will reimburse you. In MMOs you can't really check if gold is genuine / legit, and if I got hit with gold delete action I'd probably be utterly pissed.

On the other hand, I think it's kind of a clever move on the long run. It sends a strong message to goldsellers clients and it also cleanses game economy. Personally, since I was aware of the trade window hack, I never sold anything to some random guildless dude, unless I know his guild / rep I didn't sale anything at all. I hate how Trion has to hang to XL Games balls whenever there's changes to be made, but I like how they deal with it CS wise.

EDIT: 3 pages without PRX heavy handed propaganda, I guess this thread isn't only about PRX anymore.


Potato del Grande
They have limited amount of control, but they do what they can.

I think taking away the gold is probably gonna be the thing that will have the most impact. If people know they'll lose the gold they buy, they "might" stop buying it. If that happens goldsellers and their bots might somewhat disapear as the game doesn't remain profitable for them.

I can hope anyways.
But the people buying gold/botting gold aren't hte ones who are getting fucked over... it's the people selling items that happen to be purchased by anyone who either bots/buys their own gold or came into the gold through other botters/buyers... In the end, literally the only person who will be fucked over by the gold deletion is the one who had the misfortune of having his items bought with vanishing coins.


Doesn't deleting gold only benefits the gold sellers? They already got their money and now people need more gold.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Doesn't deleting gold only benefits the gold sellers? They already got their money and now people need more gold.
Could say that, but I'm all for punishing the people who buy gold also, they are the reason the bots/spammers etc are in business. Especially these days when more and more games have official $ to in-game currency options.


Molten Core Raider
I doubt that people that buy gold just horde it and don't spend it. They use it to buy TS trees, land,gear etc. So the gold ends up in potential honest people quickly and teh idea is that it will be deleted from these people? Emptying teh accounts of the direct recipients is one thing. Tracing it to others and deleting it can't end well. And then where do you draw the line? Someone trades 800 gold for 1 mushroom seed so that must be fake etc?


What they are doing is absolutely destroying their economy. It is an absolutely idiotic decision from someone that understands nothing about economics. There will be no trust in gold anymore whatsoever and people will horde their resources. Who is going to sell anything anymore if there is a chance their gold will be gone next time they log in because somewhere along the line that gold was dirty.


Potato del Grande
What they are doing is absolutely destroying their economy. It is an absolutely idiotic decision from someone that understands nothing about economics. There will be no trust in gold anymore whatsoever and people will horde their resources. Who is going to sell anything anymore if there is a chance their gold will be gone next time they log in because somewhere along the line that gold was dirty.
Not to mention how many people will just say "Fuck you" and quit the game when they have their bank account emptied because they sold something and now they're paying the price for someone elses actions. Guess that's next-level pvp tho. Pvp people by getting a bunch of botted gold and using it to ruin the day of all the honest players. Griefer evolution in the works!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Best thing out of all this. reading the forums and the wave of "I got banned but I've never done anything wrong!" posts that popped up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
and a new generation is taught how to buy gold. Buy it, buy items, sell items, gold is washed clean.


I started a character on Kyrios because I found out my guildies are there. The first thing I noticed was that all the foraging spawn points are the same. The next thing I noticed is that there were a lot of trees in places I'd never seen before. Ollo seems to have much less wild trees.

The only conclusion I could come to was that maybe we had some sort of evil twin of Johnny Appleseed with a goatee running around uprooting everything. I've been keeping an eye out for such assgoblinry and tonight I saw a member of a certain starwars related guild uprooting trees in lilyut. I wonder if he spends all his labor on that. Is there any benefit to doing that or is it just being a gigantic asshole?