Ended my keto diet yesterday. Was about three months of no bullshit, fewer than 20g of carbs diet with one cheat day where I had a few beers that probably put me at 30g. First month I lost 20lbs, second month I lost 8lbs. I lost two pounds the entire month of September while working out 3-4 times a week, eating 1500-1700 calories a day (170g of protein) and fewer than 20g of carbs. I'm not upset over the last month but it was a pretty disappointing wall since I hoped to get to 190 before switching.
Anyway, I've switched to bulking. Here's what I looked like last night.
I'm 194lbs, 6'2". No idea what body fat % I am. 25%? 20%? I don't really care.
I don't have a strong opinion about what I'm going to do, but right now the plan is some form of:
1. Intermittent Fasting (8 hour feed window) ala leangains.com, following the training vs resting day macros here:
Leangains Macro Calculator
which is:
Rest Days 156g protein, 116g carbs, 155g fat. 2,483 kcal total
Training Days 156g protein, 556g carbs, 82g fat. 3,587 kcal total
I really have no idea how I'm supposed to eat 556g of carbs. I ate until I was sick tonight and only got to 2700 kcal, 244g carbs. Going from 1700cal, 20g carb to this is extreme, but I'm sure it'll get easier.
Besides training vs resting days and an eight hour window, leangains recommends a protocol of eating two moderately sized meals before a workout and then most of your calories in a meal after your workout. This is pretty tough for me since I generally can't eat a lot at one time.
2. I track my diet/weight in myfitnesspal. I figure I'm supposed to gain 0.5lbs a week on a steady bulk, so I'll adjust my caloric intake based on that. I'm sure I'll balloon up from starting to take creatine as of yesterday along with whatever water comes with actually having muscle glycogen.
3. I'm roughly following a Push/Pull/Legs program like:
Dumbbell P/P/L (Proposed Alternative to Dumbbell Stopgap) • r/Fitness
A Linear Progression Based PPL Program for Beginners • r/Fitness
Coolcicada's Push/Pull/Legs Routine
I only have dumbells (up to 100lbs each), a bench and a pullup bar, so I can't do the big lifts (deadlift, bench, squat) properly. I might join a gym in a couple of months.
Right now I'm tracking my lifts in a spreadsheet and trying out different stuff. My workouts are in flux but the current state and weights (All weights are for each dumbbell)/volume are below. I make no apology for the pretty modest weights, I'm taking things slowly:
Push day:
DB Benchpress: 50lbs 3x13
DB Overhead Press: 30lbs 3x11
DB flyes: 20lbs 3x13
Seated Tricep Extension: 50lbs, 3x10
DB Shrug: 80lbs 3x6
Incline Bench: 30lbs 3x8 (going light on these because they hurt my shoulder before)
Pull day:
DB Deadlift: 60lbs 3x15
Pullup: unweighted, 3x8
Bent DB Row: 40lbs, 3x15
DB Curls: 20lbs 3x10
One-arm DB row: 40lbs 3x15
Leg Day:
DB Squats: 60lbs 3x15
Some weighted neck workouts: 3x10
Bulgarian Split Squat: unweighted, 3x12
DB Lunges: 20lbs 3x7
I figure in a couple months once my routine stabilizes and my improvement starts to flatten more I'll probably settle into a more specific plan.
The PPL routine has someone training 6 days a week, which is difficult for me to follow. We'll see how I do now that I'm eating at a surplus, but I expect to take a rest day twice a week on average.
4. I'm finishing up physical therapy for my shoulder. For the last month and a half I've been doing my PT exercises (focusing on thoracic mobility, chest stretching, shoulder strength, rolling back my shoulders etc) every morning. Right now I'm planning on continuing that with a short workout in the morning focusing on shoulders and may add other stuff to it over time, not sure. I may drop it since working out 5 days a week is pretty taxing and a lot of time anyway.
5. Supplement wise:
. I take protein powder if I have trouble hitting 155g of protein (not hard to meet that), and I eat protein powder pre-workout.
. I take this multivitamin:
. I eat a couple fish oil pills with every meal.
. I'm taking creatine and glutamine
6. Food source wise I eat a lot of red meat, chicken, eggs and spinach. I'm switching to eating a lot of oats. My wife is on a keto diet, which makes eating together hard because everything she makes is super fatty. She made nachos tonight with keto-chips which are pure fat. I'm sure I'll develop my diet over time, but eating a healthy carb diet is a pretty new idea for me. I'm really craving a PB&J and haven't had bread in 3 months...
None of the above I feel sure about, all criticism is welcome.
, come argue with me now.