Says Deadlifts are too risky. Thinks Olympic Lifts are super exercises. Discussion can end there.
Given how retarded you are, I assumed you opposed squats too because they are "dangerous" and not worth the risk
What is safer about a clean pull vs a deadlift?
that right there is the moment he starts. Look at how high his butt is compared to the clean pull.
Doesn't surprise me you'd say that's the beginning of the lift even though the bar is flexed and the plates are clearly off the ground
But you keep arguing that the two lifts are different and that adding a shrug to a deadlift somehow makes it safer.
I don't think you are grasping the idea of "risk vs reward" here.
Most people are amateurs lifting weights. Must people will do it with improper form,. Why because it is super easy to bend your back.
They always say don't lift like you're doing a back lift, but pretend you're pushing the floor away from you; like a leg press. It's really hard for people to feel that movement. Most people I've ever talked to say they never feel a dead lift in their hamstrings. That's the one place where you should be sore as fuck the day after. If you're not, you're doing them wrong.God I hate when people say something is unsafe because they're too stupid to be able to do it properly. I don't think I've EVER felt soreness in my back from deadlifts. You know why? Cause I have proper fucking form. Your lats are nothing more than a stabilizer, same with you erectors -- they should NOT be exhausted from deadlifting. Quads, glutes, hamstrings are the primary movers in a deadlift. If you're feeling it in your back to the point its either sore for days or you're in pain, you're fucking doing it wrong.
I'll pray for you. Also, I've already contacted your doctor, you are scheduled for a lower back examination at 4:30.Today is my deadlift day. RIP back.