Ssraeszha Raider
- 16,114
- 19,679
My gym is pretty empty at my workout times. 25 people tops. Gym holds about 300 or so easily. Used to be about 75 peeps at my times.
Anyway...slow gains. My flat bench is back up to 225 for 12+ after five weeks. Not going to bother with lifting heavy until I am back to at least 225 for 25+ reps. Couple more months I assume.
My back is coming along nicely. Faster than expected. I was down to 285 (2 plates 1 quarter...not really 285 since it's a machine) for 10 on upright rows. I'm up to 455 for 10.
Arms aren't failing me. Took me a month to get to that point.
Squats, I'm still behind. Just 315 for 7. But the gains are at least there. I was at 185 for 10 a month ago.
Shoulders I am back up to 315 for 10+.
I'm pretty much where I thought I would be minus legs.
You have an injury or just unable to workout due to gyms being closed?