I thought I'd share my workout as I'll be laid up for a few months after surgery later this week and I can come back here and get all emotional.
My weight is 161 and only varies by a pound or two, I am 5'9" and will be 50 in a couple months. I don't worry about what the weight is other than using it to track my progress, as long as its
heavy it is all good.
I like to train 3 days, typically Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I stand all day at my work station (software engineer) and walk whenever I can. When the weathers nice I like to add a sprint session on an off day that lasts about 20 minutes all told. I cut way back on my long distance running that I did a year or so ago and rarely run more than 30 minutes if I get an urge, again on an off day. I eat pretty well, I follow a mostly organic HFLC lifestyle, I don't drink or smoke. I fast for 24 hours (6pm-6pm) twice a week, I've been experimenting with this for a couple of months and I will say that my energy for my workouts on a fast goes through the roof, I really feel amped and raring to go on fasted days more so than on non fasted days. I squat and deadlift fasted.
Monday - Legs
10 minutes walk on a treadmill and some body weight warm ups etc.
I tend to pyramid up in weight, usually my 4th set is my last which is currently
225 x 3. I use to squat religiously when I was younger but I have only started back after 15 years of not doing them due to knee pain (which has since disappeared). I am making good progress and my strength is improving nicely.
I do lunges after this with a couple dumbbells for 3 sets and thats it.
Wednesday - Chest + Shoulder
I've always been weak at chest workouts and just like squats I use to suffer from awful shoulder pain when bench pressing and switched to dumb bells for more than 10 years to over come it, however, since my shoulder pain has also disappeared I have been back to the bench press for the last 3 months. 165 x 3 is my max currently.
After benching I love to do weighted dips, 3 sets body weight +50lb (2 x 25lb plates) 6-8 reps to failure each set
dumbbell seated press, 55lb 3 sets 10 (next set of dumb bells here are 70lbs so I should really move to barbell presses)
Friday - Back
10 minutes walk on a treadmill and some body weight warm ups etc.
I love deadlifts, I have been doing these for about 5 months and once I finally got the proper form down they are great fun. 295 x 3 is my current max. I'll do about 4 sets to get to my max.
I would then do palms in chins body weight +25lb but since my injury I can't chin at all without pain, oddly enough I can dead lift (alternate grip) and do bent over one arm dumbbell rows just fine.
One arm bent over dumbbell rows, 90lb dumb bell 3 sets x 10 reps. I don't really like to go over 8 reps for a working set but the gym I workout at (company gym) 90lb is the heaviest they have. Bent over Barbell rows are out as they aggravate my injury.
That is usually about it, I don't find I need to do bicep or triceps or abs as they typically hurt like hell after these workouts. Once I get back from my up coming rehab I definitely want to eventually add in Olympic lifts.