Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Tranny Chaser
For police academy technically, passed the test already but its easy. I don't care about looks but just general conditioning and strength training.


Then 100% you need to follow the fat loss diet plan I linked you earlier. As you're relatively untrained then you will lose body fat whilst also building muscle and getting stronger


Buzzfeed Editor
So... not sure if it's related to my fitness/diet changes. But in the last 2 months, I've woken up 3 times in the early morning. Not sure if I'm stretching in my sleep, or I wake up and stretch and prompt it, but all 3 times my left calf muscle has freaked out and contracted super tight cramping. Lasts a couple minutes and with my hand on it can actually feel it finally let go and relax. The one last night was so painful I was actually getting tears as I frantically clutched at it/trying to move it somehow to relieve the intense pain.

I wouldnt think it's from a workout because I dont think I'd done anything to really tax that area, hadn't ran those nights iirc.

I'm drinking shit tons of water to where I'm going to the bathroom constantly and all week I've had a banana or two in the morning so not like I'm short the potassium.


Tranny Chaser
So... not sure if it's related to my fitness/diet changes. But in the last 2 months, I've woken up 3 times in the early morning. Not sure if I'm stretching in my sleep, or I wake up and stretch and prompt it, but all 3 times my left calf muscle has freaked out and contracted super tight cramping. Lasts a couple minutes and with my hand on it can actually feel it finally let go and relax. The one last night was so painful I was actually getting tears as I frantically clutched at it/trying to move it somehow to relieve the intense pain.

I wouldnt think it's from a workout because I dont think I'd done anything to really tax that area, hadn't ran those nights iirc.

I'm drinking shit tons of water to where I'm going to the bathroom constantly and all week I've had a banana or two in the morning so not like I'm short the potassium.

Magnesium. If you cramp you are deficient

Creams absorb better than tablets. If it stings when you apply the cream you are deficient.


Buzzfeed Editor
Magnesium. If you cramp you are deficient

Creams absorb better than tablets. If it stings when you apply the cream you are deficient.

I'd be suprised if that's it too since it's just the one muscle? And I ate a fair amount of almonds and other sources.


Got something right about marriage
Been doing this full body template of the 5/3/1 since November and it's starting to wreck me. Making good progress but feeling it hard in the mornings these days.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I feel you, doing 5/3/1 full body full boring since Jan, same story for me this week. I was squatting yesterday, unracked it, and immediately reracked because thought I misloaded. Nope, it just felt really heavy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I ran 5/3/1 for 6 months and knew it was time to bail.

Just started Brendan Tietz sub-max DUP high frequency program, but I had some food poisoning on Sunday that really fucked me up. Lost 9 pounds in 2 days, stomach is still in shambles, haven't slept well all week. Only did 3/5 days this week ugh.


Blackwing Lair Raider
BBB is not conservative lol, unless you think 50 reps post top sets is conservative. Furthermore, if you've been on 5/3/1 for multiple months, the intensity ramps up pretty high even if you deload frequently because you're continually building up. There's no built in deloads that many programs have, so everything points in one direction. Your body will eventually fight back.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm surprised you all have been able to do it as long as you have. I've only done it once, and it was for about 3 and a half months. Was absolutely brutal.

No way could I have made it 6.


Buzzfeed Editor
Dumb question, any shoe suggestions. Wifes trainer hated my casual tennis shoes that have no support and let my ankles roll in all directions. Duty boots great but big and hot.

Should I look at just any old athletic shoe with a broad base or fancy fitting? She made it sound like theres like non running style athletic shoe I should be wearing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tennis shoes are shit for lifting because the soles are meant to compress a bit. But when you're lifting, you don't want that tiny bit of play that you have to compensate for.

You want something with a hard, flat sole. Think Chuck Taylors, old style Adidas or Pumas, etc. Wrestling shoes are actually also supposed to be pretty decent. The other option is super expensive lifting shoes, like Adipowers. But fuck dropping $150+ on lifting shoes.

Ankle support though? No, you don't want that shit. If anything, I feel like that's going to lead to an even worse injury. Oh, you failed your squat? Sucks that your ankle is also going to experience a tremendous amount of stress instead of just bending like normal.

Edit: I should add, raised heels are good for squats. But for every other lift they're suboptimal. The reason I suggest hard flat soles is they're good for every lift except squats. And really, you don't need raised heels for squats, they just help for people who have problems getting to depth because of poor balance.


privileged excrementlord
Adipowers under 100 is a solid deal. Look on Amazon and you can sometimes find Powerlift 2s or 3s in the 45-70 range.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Barefoot is probably better, but most gyms won't let you lift barefoot.

That said, I lift at home, and don't go barefoot either.