Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Trakanon Raider
Always liked reading Arkk123's old thread about what everyone was doing while training.

I just got a power rack for the garage so I've been doing all my lifts from home. It's absolutely glorious to be able to wake up, shit, get some quick carbs in me and then rage lift.

Only thing I lack is a huge rack of dumbbells 40lb - 110lb... not sure how soon I'm going to make the investment.

How's everyone else doing on their lifts coming into the Holiday Season.
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I love the holiday season for the gym and my lifts. Barely anyone is at my gym when I go after work and all the excessive eating has done wonders for my lifts.

My flat bench and squats have been steadily increasing, but my deadlifts are at a standstill because I'm too lazy to get more chalk (my grip sucks).

I have been thinking if switching to a full body, something similar to starting strength while I ignore my normal eating habits for the next month or so. Any suggestions?


Trakanon Raider
Personally I am a Muscle Group/Day kind of lifter, but I have heard of people getting good results from doing Push/Pull days which would basically cover everything within 1-2 days.

I guess it looks something like Day 1: Squat / Bench / Military Press
Day 2: Deads / Rows / Any type of curls/pulldowns etc that you want to do.


I've been on a mass building program for a while. Using a push/pull set-up each day pyramidding.

Day 1: Shoulder press/Lat pull-down
Day 2: Leg extension/Leg curl
Day 3: Bicep curl/Tricep press
Day 4: Squats/Deadlifts
Day 5: Bench press/Bent-over rows

Been great for putting on the pounds.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
First soda drank in over a week.

Feel like a piece of shit. I'm fucking done with soda.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
First soda drank in over a week.

Feel like a piece of shit. I'm fucking done with soda.
Oh god tell me about it. Last Sunday I ate Doritos and Pizza Rolls for the first time in about 7 months. When I woke up the next morning I felt hungover. Headache, exhausted, bloated, sluggish. I used to down Doritos and Pizza Rolls on a routine basis. It's amazing how your body can tell you that you're putting shit into it when it's used to good, wholesome, natural food.


<Gold Donor>
Don't be so hard on yourself - its only sugar, corn syrup, and cum. I have a coke a week or so - its fucking delicious!

As to working out - going to try not to do any cardio for a month and see how i feel. I'm sure it will be hard not to get on the bike this weekend as its supposed to be beautiful, but I want to try and put on the mass while I'm surrounded by food this month.
For about 6 years I've been doing Mon: chest Tues: bis Wed: tris/shoulders Thurs: back Fri: legs. Every day I do light abs and 3x I will throw in intermittent calf 'donkey' raises on a smith machine. I run 5mi a day 2x a week I would say and swim around 1000m freestyle once MAYBE 2x a week. For some reason, regarding weights, I've always enjoyed a real targeted, isolated pump and burn.

I've weened off the caffeinated prework out shakes because I've noticed they make me crazed these days.

Anyway, look forward to the upcoming discussions in this thread!


TLP Idealist
Recently purchased a pull up bar and have been focused on improving my maximum reps on it. I started around eight and have gotten up to fourteen as of a few days ago.

Aside from that I try to do everything I can with dumbbells, I spent the last 2 months or so running/swimming pretty much every day but it's begun to get a bit too cold for that so I've taken up boxing and hitting the treadmill in the meantime.

I started getting on a much more strict diet about a month and a half ago, I went from 196lbs to 180lbs in this time frame and I'm about as light as I'd really like to be so for now I'm just focused on improving my performance on running, push ups and pull ups.
As to working out - going to try not to do any cardio for a month and see how i feel. I'm sure it will be hard not to get on the bike this weekend as its supposed to be beautiful, but I want to try and put on the mass while I'm surrounded by food this month.
If you do cardio on concrete or hard surfaces, that 4 week break will be felt in your joints etc. it will hurt! I've noticed when I quit running or swimming for over 2 weeks I generally feel like shit. Lifting is one thing, but the sheer ability for intense cardio to alleviate stress (atleast for me) is bar-none.


Trakanon Raider
I had recently come back from about 6 months off... What surprised me the most when I hit the weights again right away was the lifting high that happens.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Man, I used to be a monster in the gym in college when I could go for 3 hours a day 7 days a week. Now, with 2 kids and a wife I don't make the time to go. I KNOW I need to go, I seriously need to lose weight and I would love to get back to a shadow of where I was. I certainly have the time to go too, I work from home. By the time work is over I'm dead though and it's hard to find time during the actual day.

Honestly, I think my biggest problem is diet. I eat crap and drink crap so I feel like crap, for the life of me I just cannot break the cycle. You'd think my kids would be motivation enough to not kill myself with bad diet and lack of exercise, but it's not working.

If anyone was in a similar position, what is your motivation? I'm going to try to go tonight after the oldest is down and get some momentum going before the holidays start. There's a big conference I have in about a month and I'd like to drop 10-20 before it. The other problem I have is that when I lift weights my genetics puts on muscle super fast so I don't actually lose weight, just body fat % (which is good). However, when you're not seeing a metic tic down it can hurt the momentum. Does anyone have any of those body fat % scales that are actually accurate?


Avatar of War Slayer
I try to bang out an hour on the Lifecycle and an hour of sit-ups and low weights. At my age, controlling my weight is imperative.

I'll rest when I'm dead.
Pil, if you get in there and get beyond that initial soreness and stiffness you'll curse yourself for quitting. Like Szeth said, there are endorphins from it. Get back into it slowly, just go, the hardest part is going at 6:45pm after work, after picking up your kids, dealing with your wife etc. "Just do it." After awhile, you'll be hooked again. If time constraints are a problem, find one of those 24/7 places and wake up an hour or two early. (Sucks, but better than being fat and feeling slop-assed)


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I started doing Paleo and crossfit 6 months now. The change has been very nice. I lost fat and gain nice muscle mass. I would recommend it to anyone.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I've heard lots of good things about Paleo, it's just not something I can do personally. My diet is controlled as long as I'm in the gym, that is the key for me. We'll see how tonight goes. The Soreness I don't mind, I like that part of it. Getting in day #1 is key and then the first two weeks. I'd also like to do that 100 pushup site/technique thing to play with it a bit.


Alright so on something like varlox posted

Day 1: Shoulder press/Lat pull-down
Day 2: Leg extension/Leg curl
Day 3: Bicep curl/Tricep press
Day 4: Squats/Deadlifts
Day 5: Bench press/Bent-over rows

What lifts are you doing? My biggest problem is I dont know what to do for what muscle group. Im certain your not doing 1 set of two lifts and then leaving, so any help on what i can do to get a damn routine would be great. I work out frequently but its so random everytime I feel as if im not getting anywhere near the results i should be getting. I walk in the gym and basically throw darts at the board to decide what i do that day.


Trakanon Raider
Day 2 doesn't make any sense to me. I would move day 3 to day 2 and make day 3 either cardio or off day. Your legs are covered almost 100% by squats. You could do some calf raises if you're vain I suppose.


I do 4 days a week, Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri so I may be biased.

Squats Monday (abs if I'm feeling rowdy at 5:30am)
Bench Tuesday (and extracurricular stuff)
Wednesday Off
Thursday Deadlifts/Biceps/Pullups etc
Friday Shoulders