This is my LS-5 team, beat it yesterday:
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Vigna and Grani deploy first to hold the bottom lanes either way around. They get deployment points on kill which they farm from the slugs. Later on they can hold the more powerful bottom lane units with healers.
Scavenger deploys next to hold the top right lane, then Courier to hold the top left lane. They get deployment points when they use their ability. They need to be in that order, you need DPS for top right and defence for top left. These two can't hold the more powerful units later on.
Next is Meteor deployed at the top left facing down to hold the exit for helicopters. She'll take damage so deploy a healer right after, you may need to hold her until just before the healer is ready.
Healers put them in the middle face up/down so everyone is in range.
Can't remember what I did next. I put Firewatch bottom right facing up to take out helicopters. Courier also needs swapping out pretty much as soon as anything reaches melee range, I put in SilverAsh. I then put in a second healer.
Last change is Scavenger for Cuora as the tanky units appear on the top right side. Use her defence ability when the final few tanks are hitting her.
Once the bottom lane is finished, you can take out the Vanguards out and put in Amiya to take out the tanks on the top right. Once the left side is finished you take them out and put in more units to finish off the right, I used Liskarm.
Vanguards need to be the exact types I mentioned, 5* versions will obviously work, 3* ones maybe if they are higher level.
Snipers, Healers and Caster can be whatever unit, they didn't have anything special I needed to have. Meteor is pretty cheap which is important for your first sniper, any delay deploying one and you leak helicopters.
SilverAsh's E2 ability was overkill, any Guard is probably going to be fine on the left side as long as they have enough attack and defence. Use your best unit, it's not like you'll be able to put in any ranged to help them.
Cuora's E1 ability was important at the end but any Defender is probably going to be fine. Liskarm was barely used, I could have cleared without her. Use a 2nd Defender for the last few units on the right if you are having trouble with damage, otherwise a Guard will be good especially if they do Arts damage.