

Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Thea, Lyla, and Laurel are untouchable. Diggle is unlikely but not impossible because Lyla could already be pregnant with their son. At this point I'd say the top 3 are Captain Lance, Felicity's mom, with Diggle's brother in a distant third. Felicity telling to kill someone to avenge Andy is a bit of a stretch, but it's not impossible if his death is particularly tragic, comes as part of a sacrificial redemption thing, or somehow personally involves Felicity. Lance or Donna are definitely the two most likely at this point, although I'm sure the writers are perfectly capable of digging up a surprise death that nobody expected and is still capable of making Felicity want Oliver to kill again.
Conner said Diggle died because he wasn't strong enough to protect him. So in that future Diggle dies much later than when he's cookin in his momma's belly. Why is Lyla untouchable again? If it was because of connor, she could die and diggle could knock up some other ho. I don't remember them mentioning his mom or sister.

You should try watching tv with the sound on. That future was just a possible one, that it was hinted might come to pass if Sarah and Ray never return to 2016. Felicity (in that future) didn't leave Star City until years later. Seriously, watch LoT again with the sound on. It won't make that show any better, but at least you won't be so confused.
I thought they said felicity left after oliver 'died'. Anyway, Rip said he'd bring the legends back to the same day they left. So unless they were all laying low on purpose this entire time, they clearly didn't make it back on schedule.

He usually has it locked up in a cabinet. maybe he just took it out to recharge for the meeting they were supposed to have.
Dude needs to learn to keister his power totems.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lyla is untouchable because if they were going to kill Lyla, they would have killed her in the episode where they killed Waller. They aren't going to kill the head of argus twice in one season.


Millie's Staff Member
Are you STILL on about Dahrk not being the bad guy? Jesus Christ.

And no, they aren't killing Thea two seasons in a row.
its not just me.
Arrow Season 4 Spoilers: Malcolm Merlyn Becomes The Main Villain?

Arrow season 4 has taken a break and will not return until March 23. It means fans will have three Wednesday nights to endure before episode 16 airs at The CW channel. Despite the three-week break, there are already Arrow season 4 spoilers leaking online as the trailer of the upcoming episode of the show has been released.

We Got This Covered revealed the initial footage of episode 16 for season 4 of Arrow. The brief version shows Malcolm Merlyn seemingly trying to take the place of Damien Dark who is currently locked up. Merlyn appears to be planning to settle a score with Green Arrow for taking away his role as the head of League of Assassins.

Yibada adds that Malcolm will become the main antagonist in the upcoming season of Arrow. Another interesting tidbit is Stephen Amell's desire to have the green hero fight crime alongside Supergirl, portrayed by Melissa Benoist. However, the Arrow crossover with Supergirl is yet to happen.

Meanwhile, there is also the involvement of people from H.I.V.E.S. while Damien's wife continues her participation in project Genesis. It is no surprise that the show's previous crossover with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow has attracted waves of loyal viewers.

Fashion & Style reports that the official trailer released by The CW for Arrow Season 4 hints that Damien Darhk might die and Oliver Queen might return to Star City, as Green Arrow is seen talking to Felicity about his plans to fight Damien Darhk. In addition, there is a possibility that Merlyn might kill Darhk himself as the footage shows Darhk in the same prison cell with Merlyn.

Episode 16 of "Arrow" will be aired on March 23 on The CW. Actress Madison Mclaughlin, who will reportedly guest star in the show, previously tweeted that viewers will get to see a new kind of TV series and that Arrow season 4 will surely "flip" viewers.

my theory about Thea was wrong.
serious spoilers in the below link.

click at your own peril

Arrow - Season 4 - New BTS Photos | Spoilers


Trakanon Raider
Leg comparisons... toothpick Katie, vanilla Willa, diesel Emily.





Life's a Dream
I'm pretty happy that big bad Darkness is now without his magic powers. Fuck that guy. I really dislike a seemingly invincible opponent. Especially a cocky one.


Ssraeszha Raider
I'm pretty happy that big bad Darkness is now without his magic powers. Fuck that guy. I really dislike a seemingly invincible opponent. Especially a cocky one.
That's the point. You're supposed to hate the villain and think he's an unstoppable badass. What's dumb is he really didn't seem like much of a threat until 1 or 2 episodes ago. Then the 1 time they say "Wait, he has magic. Maybe we should plan for that" he gets his ass handed to him.

Now there's 6 episodes left and the villains apparently 2 people Oliver has already beaten pretty easily. Not sure what's supposed to be suspenseful except who's in the grave. Hopefully there's a happy ending and it's Laurel

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
Why the fuck do these shows take these fucking breaks only to come back with piece of shit softball filler episodes. Jesus fuck both the flash and arrow with woodpulp bread filler at walmart this week.


Why the fuck do these shows take these fucking breaks only to come back with piece of shit softball filler episodes. Jesus fuck both the flash and arrow with woodpulp bread filler at walmart this week.
My guess is they still think people can miss episodes and in the olden days if you accidentally missed an episode because it just came back you would be pissed if it was a big one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man even in TV cops go on paid administrative leave instead of getting fired. Anyway after that episode I'm leaning towards Captain Lance being dead. He crossed Dahrk is a really public way and sent him to jail because those charges were getting dismissed if it weren't for Lance's testimony.

And good god I fucking hate Felicity now. Bring back S1/2/part of 3 Felicity who was constantly saying incredibly dirty things on accident, like 'it feels good having you inside me'.


I'm getting pretty far behind on all the shows. I usually download them and put them in a folder to watch later, but I havent watched in weeks.

I'm just burned out on the DC shows abit.

May just watch the Flash, and watch the rest later at the end of the year.


Are they writing felicity out of the show? They drop her as the love interest and the tech person and bring in a new tech person and also it seemed like laurel was making eyes at Oliver.