

Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Just got around to finishing season 1. Wow! Really looking forward to the Season Premiere.


<Gold Donor>
I wonder if it bothers Robbie that his cousin can beat the shit out of him?

Really stoked for this show to start, along with Supernatural tonight.


<Gold Donor>
Great episode, really enjoyed it. Much more than Supernatural, but then again they've been at it 9 seasons so they've done almost everything worth seeing by now. Last season I watched Arrow the moment it was available, and it doesn't seem that I'll be changing that habit for this season either.

Discussion about Laurel:
So I'm assuming that she's Black Canary, since she mentioned some "self-defense" courses and was able to take that thug down easily. Well, and because of her name, obviously. But are they going to claim she's wearing a wig too? Because that blonde hair was way too light to be her own. That's got to be a bit of a pain in the ass, pinning your hair up under a wig before you can jump into your costume and kick ass. But...comic books!

I was honestly hoping they'd get someone else to become Black Canary, but I guess that would have just made creating stories for Laurel that much harder. Unless somehow they are having Summer do it, but I doubt it. Seems they want to get her away from the ass-kicking characters she usually plays, which is good.

God I love Felicity. Glad to see her wearing more short skirts!


Millie's Staff Member
yep great opener, i was a tad worried about Ollie's decision not to kill anyone anymore, i had a T2 flashback there for a second. but im confident by the bodycount in the rest of the episode they will not be pussifying the tone of the show. i had suspected Glau was black canary, but thanks to IMDB i no longer need to wonder.

good job guys.


That was a great season opener.

I hate to pile on Glau (!) but she really is one dimensional, her Firefly and Terminator characters fit her to a tee but damn she was terrible last night unless she was actually going for ruthless corporate raider robot.

Fuck me at Ollie braining that dude with the rock, completely unexpected that they showed his character doing that.

Is that ship they showed at the end the one you saw on the rocks during the parachute sequence which was hilarious btw. Felecity is great. Placing the height bar exercise structure right in front of her computer desk


Discussion about Laurel:
So I'm assuming that she's Black Canary, since she mentioned some "self-defense" courses and was able to take that thug down easily. Well, and because of her name, obviously. But are they going to claim she's wearing a wig too? Because that blonde hair was way too light to be her own. That's got to be a bit of a pain in the ass, pinning your hair up under a wig before you can jump into your costume and kick ass. But...comic books!

I was honestly hoping they'd get someone else to become Black Canary, but I guess that would have just made creating stories for Laurel that much harder. Unless somehow they are having Summer do it, but I doubt it. Seems they want to get her away from the ass-kicking characters she usually plays, which is good.
I don't think they have kept it much of a secret who is playing Black Canary.
I think they might be setting up Laurel to be Black Canary down the road possibly. Set up the character and have Laurel take up the mantle when the original Canary dies or disappears. Or they could different to the lore and have Laurel have nothing to do with the Canary name (I.E. Helena Bertonelli vs. Helena Wayne as Huntress. Both are canon in the lore though)


<Gold Donor>
I don't think they have kept it much of a secret who is playing Black Canary.
Ah, well, that's what I get for not looking at IMDB first. Makes sense I guess...but not really either. You'd think she would tell someone else, like her family. To my knowledge she'd have no reason to be mad at them.


Tranny Chaser
Brother freaking Blood?? First Deathstroke and now Brother Blood? What's next, is Trigon going to show up in Star City?


Not liking Glau at all but the rest was absolutely solid. Good start and hopefully that corporate takeover plotline either picks up or gets dumped.


Tranny Chaser
Well Isabella Rochev is a class-A nutter obsessed with Oliver Queen's dead father in the comics... so I'm guessing it will be a long term plotline for the season.